Blog Visits :)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution
-Get Dragon Mouse
-Get all MH Traps+Base
-Beat Kaya in Toa Dai Ti
-Self-Control with Temptation
-Famous Last Words, Power Chords, by Chinese New Year
-Make House Clean
-Spell Resolution 100% correct without using spell check.
-Get CCA points
-Clean Room
-Good Score


I went to J8 with Kevin and Kaya (both start wif k lol random) to watch AVATAR! the Q was long, the movie was nice, a lot on how Man would destroy nature on a new planet, and well, me and Kaya laughed when the bad guys were ripped/shot/smashed gruesomely by some of the animals that exist that, including the tribe XD
and Kaya forgot my gift -.- lol
New Year's Eve very the lonely leh...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Today, we went for swimming lesson in the morning, which I felt very tired after 3 weeks of rest.
Then I went for my Grandfather's funeral to help out. The monks is coming on Tuesday... I'm folding Jin Zhi to burn to Ah Gong on Tuesday... haiz....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Meaningful. lol moonwalking bear...

Friday, December 25, 2009


In the morning, we went to Paya Labar for a CONVERSE SALE :DDD Bought a pair of nice shoes, awesome bag and 2 shirts :DDD
Had lunch on the way to Mandai, some roti prata
THen to Zoo.... (zzzz My mum lame sia, bring us to zoo how many time liao? Free also don't really need so many times :x) after was go home, then go rendezvous hotel for X'mas Buffet (with ah ma) eat until very the full... hard to walk ;x
OH no I'm gonna grow fat ><

Thursday, December 24, 2009



Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cameron's house!

I went to Toa Payoh MRT to meet ethan, then, we went to Cam's house for Band HEro with Wei JIe went for swimming, and felt super sleepy, that's why I can't write much ><

Monday, December 21, 2009

Angry Squirrels go for the Nuts

Today, went to 10-11 Violin, still ok >< Screwed up meditation de thais..
then met with Ethan to buy UNiform and long pants <-(long pants, can't see leg hair, and people can't pull them :DD)
Went City hall, Bras Basah Plaza... buy alr, come back to HDB hub, buy ethan's books, saw nicholas, went his house... pwn him in chess 2 times :DDDDDD (when I play serious) gave xmas present, and byebye... lol I found my phone and Dad fixed my Earphones :DDDD
tomorrow going cam's hosue XD

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Away from the Fire.

Prelude - 11th Dec
Writing on the tour bus on the first day of tour. Ytd, we went for Dinner @ T1, but couldn't find any restaurants other than Some Kopitiam and Jollibean... SO we ran on Peanut cakes and Kaya (butter) Toast. ANd Milo. Don't even have food court.... 12:00 (at night) Check-in time, and we slept until like 1:30, board the plane... Didn''t get the window seat.... Cheng Fu snatched it =.= Woke up at 3:30 for Breakfast, (mum let me have a slip of white WIne ^^) then sleep hahah
First Day in CHina 12th Dec
Woke up @ 6 on the plane landed in ChengDu International Airport, wore like 3 layers of clothes still cold, so topped off 2 more XD.
then we waited for the whole tour group, board the tour bu
s. First stop was some shopping alley, walked around and I bought some necklace encasing words on a gain of rice - "天天开 <3">
Then we went some "wang Hua Xi" 公园 many many old people :x

2nd Day in China Dec 13th
Came out last one to leave the hotel, went to Emei San then we saw ice, no snow XP very very cold Brr... went to Ski, but I epic fail :P hahhaa Dad was AWESOME, though he never see before, he could roughly know how to ski, even teach me and OTHER PEOPLE! HAHAHHAA XD
So, when having dinner, there's a girl and her family celebrating her B-dae with a really nice birthday cake, When her family sang B-dae song for her, we extra-ed and sang also HHAHAHAHAH XD
But then, she really give us some of the cake :DDDD hahahahah
Then when we went to the Emei San Resort, we went to enjoy the hot Springs, which is awesome :DDD

14th Dec 3rd Day in CHina, (I wanna cut short the blog a bit, otherwise like 10000 words :P)
We went to see the biggest statue of Buhhda, the sitting one and the sleeping one, Burst mode spam photos! haha
Went to Er Lang San, 4-5 hours, Trip was Long and shaky ><><>
After that, we went to watch a play by 康吧 people, the music was super loud, so I didn't really like it :P
15 Dec 4th Day
Set off from hai Luo Gou and saw some bridge, where the enemies took off all the planks from the bridge, so when soldiers wanted to escaped, some of them sacrificed themselves for the whole army
We went to a Scared Temple, then to Kang TIng, which is SUPER COLD ><>

Dec 16th Left from Kang TIng
Cuz, the hotel was under renovation, we couldn't have breakfast there, instead, the tour guide bought us some stuff, 牦牛奶,which tasted very strong XD Some other biscuits and stuff, then we went down Er Lang san, we saw snow, as in not just the ground, but falling from the sky, damn happy! XD Play until my Nose, ears, and fingers went numb from the cold. :P
Then head back to ChengDu, we went to a Silk Factory like JiangNan also, and we went for steamboat! :DDD
Oh, and after Ming Fu and Cheng Fu finished the steamboat, Ming Fu and Cheng Fu was so cute, the STAFF WAS PLAY WITH THEM, DAMN LOL, and MMing Fu got a free Ice-cream too. lol -.-

Dec 17th Left From The ChengDu hotel, the first hotel that we went to, and we discovered more food hiding in the buffet, hahah, after that, we went the PANDA RESEARCH PARK,
all the panda so cute XD then, we bought soft toys from a shop nearby, cheaper than the shop inside the centre ahaha
After that was the Jade Factory, Tea Factory and TCM. Tea Factory Mum bought something worth 3000 RMB T.T Heartpain, 2000 for Pu Er Tea, and many more, another one, Rose Tea, one packet 100 RMB, buy 10, get 10 free, so, 20 leh lol
But it's on offer cuz the Si Chuan have Earthquake last year, so they're trying to rebuild the school, best thing, OUR NAMES GET CARVED ON THE SCHOOL :DDDDDDDDDD
but after 3000RMB, we left like 200+RMB left T.T
TCM, all the stuff damn ex, so I faster come out, to the bus and play Tau Tai Ti (Cards game) with Adrian and Aloy and another person :x, the tourmates on the bus, all sec2 sec 3, while the salesman "attack" the others XD
Did a little shopping, found a nice pair of Sneakers, then went to Airport, then to SIngapore hahah XD
That's it, memorable, I think I changed? XD

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Midnight Flight to China @ 2 AM

LOL going China, erm, who wants SOUVEINORS?! XD Tag on the Cbox :DDD

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

did a little more thinking, well, that China trip will be the first time I see SNOW! (not from Snow City one) :DDD Gtg Sleep early :) Bye!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I met Marcus Douby Ghaut MRT station, first one there. Few minutes later Marcus came, and Raphael (Ng), then Marcus told me he could play drums and I was like SHOCK :O
We went to Parklane Mall and had lunch @ Mac when Aloy Took Taxi to Parklane to join us. He tells of how "funny" SAW (the movie) was to him. A bit sadist :x
We then went inside the Studio and so shock sia! it's like the one pros use, they have an Electric Lead Guitar, bass Guitar (4 strings), Keyboard and DRUM SET!!!!! With Amps and everything :DDD
Raphael took the drums, Marcus took the Guitar there and Aloy took his own guitar. Aloy's friend -Zhen Han, join us later, bringing his own guitar, We Jammed MCR Black Parade first, the piano start to Zhen Han, SInging me and Zhen Han, (cuz I dunno the chords to Black Parade), Lead to Aloy, Marcus Bass, Rap Drums, SUPER FUN! Then a bit of 21 Guns then CANON ROCK! Where they jam guitar, Rap still drums, and I did Keyboard XD SO DAMN NICE :DDDDD
In 2 Hours, it flew by us, so after that we went to Marcus' House (I still dunno what for) and heard his younger sister went to hang Aloy's shoe on the neighbour's door! hahha rofl XD
But then I realize I left the Electric Guitar Cable (the one connecting E-gui to Amp) in the Studio! XP So I took a taxi back to Parklane, took my Cable and took 139 to Toa Payoh XD

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Yesterday Jia Hui lost her voice, so Yi Le came in haha XD Damn enthu...
After the 3 performances, we partied with the 银团! There's was KFC, PIZZA, DRINKS! SO AWESOME, I met Zi Rong too, so many OLD CLASSMATES that i haven't met in YEARS :DDD
银团 is gonna be awesome... but it's never the same without Meredith, Ryan, Randall and Chuan Zi.... :( They go 金团 了
Oh and I'm going for my Last Violin class before the Violin Exam today ><>.<

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Quotes of the day
"Love is about what you yourself are, and no changing for others"

"When you fail your subjects, just think of Qi Qi."
*pick up exam paper* "Ahhh f*** arh" *sleep* ~ 七七

"Some things are not what other people teach you, it's what you discover."

"Some things are best not known, don't KAYPO."

I don't trust that feeling anymore. I'll just wait it through.

AHHHHHHH!!!! 5 Shows in one day. lol 9:30, Jun Wei was late and first show at 10 Plus, everything was damn lol and crazy! We were performing for little children, VERY CUTE XD hahah
And I found out Meredith has a secret blog. lol MCR-fanatic. (She's gonna kill me if she sees this. shhh) She locked it so it doesn't really matter.
^ (should I delete this?) ^
Oh! Oh! And my Electric Guitar came TODAY!! Going to open after 7th December.
everyone realized the joke behind Jia Jia Liang Teh -- Meredith (Jia Hui)

lol tomorrow another 3 Performances XP

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's gone's gone.

VIOLIN EXAM ON MONDAY T.T Few days left :/
Allemanda (2nd Movement) - Pretty Well
Wander- BEAUTIFUL <-(as said by my Piano Accompaniment teacher.)
Bouree - still needs practice.

-G Major 5/10
-G Minor 6/10
-A flat Major 8.5/10
-G# Minor 4.5/10
-B Major 7.5/10
-B minor 7/10
-E major 6.5/10
-E minor 6.5/10

Dominant 7
-Starting on A flat - 6.5/10
-Starting on G 7/10

Diminished 7
-Starting in D 7.5/10

Technique Exercise
-Double Stopping C Third 6.5/10
-Double Stopping D Sixth 7/10
-D Major on one string 5.5/10

I still feel I'm dead :/ I NEED PRACTICE!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


FOR MAC-USERS ONLY. Press Control-Option-Command-8 to enjoy the blog. :)

The Augmented Note

the blog's dead :/
Oh and I love this song...
Gothic with a bit of jazz :)
ANd why do I blog still... The blog's dead... right?

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Today had Chess Comp, met Wen Xuan @ Dover MRT 7:30. THe comp was held in SIng Poly, and only have two people from Maris Stella. Can Emo Liao HAHHA XP
At night was NYP CO PERFORMANCE! The Title Says it. lol It was wonder. There was one piece which was French, and the Chinese Instruments brought out the French feel very well. The Japanese music was nice at first, then didn't sound very Jap later. Latin American lacking the Proper feel of the beat and Needs to be More Accented and Staccato. XD
wait, is this blog dead?

Friday, November 27, 2009

I <3 MY MUM <3

My mum gonna buy me an ELECTRIC GUITAR!!!! Once I get my barre Chord Alright, I CAN JAM WITH MARCUS AND ALOY! :DDDDD
Oh and We went to Jurong Bird Park!
hahah, TOmorrow have Chess Competition, Nitez people :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2 Hands are supposed to clap together, not one hand moving only,

Looked back I saw many regrets. What can I do? Best thing I can do is to patch up...


Today was Ming Fu's performance At the DBS Auditorium and parents supposed to leave their children here for rehearsals and come back at 3:45. BUt I saw Randall AND Qin Kai, Randall cause he 银团,then Qin Kai also help out... so I also volunteer myself AS A LAST MINUTE Helper. Sad part is, I DON'T HAVE THAT SHIRT T.T
But never mind, at least I had free Teh bing XD

Performance was great, everything was smooth, except one thing:
When Shi Hui and Yi Le leading one of the classes, I was there to make the flow faster, keep quiet etc. then ONE KID CALLED ME "UNCLE" T.T AM I THAT OLD?! Sadded hahha

Then we went Subway hahah XD

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

寂寞,好了... ~蔡旻佑

Feeling a bit lonely... and Sian lol
Tomorrow is Ming Fu's performance. :)

Civil War

Haix... Grandma side arguing with Ah-Gong's family. Ah-Gong in hospital like few months already :/
Now good, my Violin 2 weeks later... I CAN'T GET some chords right.
Oh and I went Ethan to have lunch. lol He treating me 2nd time in a row XD

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sadded :/

I mistaken my Violin Exam to be on 30th Nov, but it's actually on the 7th Dec.
2 Bad Ripple Effects
-Drama 演出 very near the date
-I lost the willpower to Keep Practicing scales for 2 hours straight ><

The Glowing Fire...

My Violin is screwed. Discovered a few scales that have not been taught, Violin Teacher scold a few times, and very disappointed :P haix.
My Primary school reunion wasn't any better. I screwed it up. A lot. Shahiddah only girl. We ate at Mac and instead of watching
Christmas Carol, most of the guys voted for "Raging Phoenix" It sucks
I'm acting a girl. Celine Teo Hong Fu. Awesome Tactics. :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

last day BC :/

Today is the last day for my English Tuition - British council. :( Yeah feel quite sad, but hey, no more 3na jokes. -.- Nicholas (1) is irritating... lol No offense :P
Haix... Now have to put plastic cover on the textbooks... and my Violin Exam is coming
Feel lonely dunno why...
Argh... why am I feeling so sad =(

Thursday, November 19, 2009


My Birthday wish is to have all the wishes below
-A good next year
-My life to be happy :)
-The lives of the people around me to be happy :)
-Other possession things. :P

Then my 2012 movie no one coming. Then some more 5:30 need to leave for Guitar lesson, so no more movie ba T.T
And now I feel daoed.

Jacq's house can exercise. =.=

lol I went to my brother's Ceremony Prize Giving, Ming Fu got 1st in class :D
THen I went Dover with Ethan, BOng to Cam's. First thing I did, I followed Cam to get WII controllers @ Jacq's. <--(Sounds like restaurant. OH! Jacq's place. =.=)
Then. GH all the way
Played Hide and SEEK hahahah XP
Cam is good. But he got JACKED, while he was hiding, we were at his house waiting for him
lol XD
Tomorrow my Bdae! :D
... ok..

WEDnesday With Karyan+Croc+Dion. Sadded Slow Blog :P

LOL now it's like damn long ago :P Karyan, Croc and Dion were acting like kids in Toy R' Us.
Oh and "My Girlfriend is an Agent"-Recommended. Russian B**bs. lol hahhaa DAMN LOL XD
oh. let me upload the pics...

<-- That's Karyan and Zi Qing and Dion playing like kids lols.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Say Cheese. Russion Bobs

Today went shopping with Kaya and Croc lol. ALL THE PICS ARE UNGLAM :( Less than 10 shots lol. 95% of the time laughing. I bought 2 shirt for like $75 damn ex XP
opps gtg I upload tomorrow hahah


Ok. Tuesday was a EPIC FAIL DAY.
I LOST 3 EZ LINK cards.
Don't bother the details. I'm a failure that day. But I remembered I deleted a chain mail before I went out.... opps.
then I went to Celine's performance in Betty Sec. Classicals. Bands from 3 schools. Betty, Anderson and He
anything bad things? yes. Celine told me 7:00. I'm a punctual. Despite the losing maddness, I ran all the way from my house to find the entrance of the School. And find out
The performance was alright. I'm bias to drums, so i think 2nd performance best.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Violin... Sadded. TEacher say I may fail if I don't practice scales, BUT VIOLIN OUT OF TUNE

The title says it all. Haix...
I've been thinking recently...
I've done so many bad things. Yet, I'm given so many blessings. Ever had this feeling?
Anyways, Tuesday watching Celine's performance
Wed Shopping with Karyan and Jane (Anyone but my mum. XD)
Thursday, Going for Ming Fu's Award Ceremony ^^ Then Cameron's house for some GH action :)
Friday B-day!!!!! Still trying to find someone to go with :P If no one wants, then that's like damn sad :x

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ah-Gong's B-dae!!!!

The meal at West Mall was AWESOME ^^ Dinner was great!
Happy 84th B-dae Ah Gong :DD

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Align CenterToday for Dinner, my mum brought me, my brothers and my grandma to "Quality Hotel". The name sounds very budget, yes, but the food and quality there was AWESOME! :)
The food all vegetarian. Yes, doesn't sound good, but IT TASTE GOOD!
Have Vegetarian Prawn, Crab-stick, Curry Mutton, Lo Mai Kai and many many stuff! ^^
And one good thing about Vegetarian Restaurants, WE GO WILD WITH THE DESERTS!!!!!!
And! Best part, If it's your B-Dae, you get the meal FOR FREE!!!! PLUS you get a B-dae SONG!!!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!! My B-dae 6 days later. Who wanna go with me? XD

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Back to Nature

OK, ORIGINAL blogger template. Sick of skins.... zzzzzzz
Anyways this one is not too bad :)


I got a new one. :D OK lah. I know it's gay. Beauty. Yes. Side lines wrote some stuff lol I tried changing many things. Guess I left the head :P Anyways, it's the BEAUTY OF LIFE and it's opportunities! I turned the meaning of beauty this way. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

THings I learnt from Organizing Chalet

OK, there were MANY screw ups, let's start with DO NOT first
-Arrange a meeting point at the school. Put the meeting point at the chalet, especially if your Grandma's
coming with you feeling pissed :x
-Rely on buses only to get there. Try like what we call.. THE MRT. -.-
-Put you Under Garments on top of your plastic bag/Bag/Suitcase people might take it and play with it, or, you might leave a trail of them there. Hey, it's ain't the same as dropping breadcrumbs.
-When Bowling, take a ball around 12 to 13.
-When Cycling, DON'T LISTEN TO THE PHONE, EVEN if your friends says he's lost!
-Don't try to use a coconut to hammer in a bicycle part to hang the spring. You might get Milk
-BBQ without a experienced person
-Let your friends throw litter in the chalet if you're sleeping for the night.
-let your friends play DOTA through the Night.

Ok, Now the DOs
-State the fastest way to get there
-Bowl your best
-Carry your bike and run if you're playing Bicycle Catching through rough ground, like grass
-BBQ easy stuff to cook, like Sausage or Satay before meat.
-learn the Electric Guitar
lol ok photos


lol After this blog, I will post my learning points of Chalet organizing :)
Erm, we waited at the bus stop. I went there with my grandma, someone to authorize the booking. At the MSHS bus stop I saw Joseph, Nich, Amos and Ming Yao. Waited for Marcus and Wei Jie and Sean!
Halfway Jo and Marcus Split, zzzzz The bus go without them. XP We meet at Downtown East anyway with Ashley and B.Ong. Raphael, Bob Lohma and Darrin joined us there.
We went bowling first lol Damn fun, but yeah I suck at it.
Then we went Cycling. I can ride my bike for some time with one hand (Yes, I'm Noob, I rarely cycle) But I can't answer the phone at the same time, so...
I stopped suddenly and cause Ashley 3 wounds.
And when Cedric called me I took the call. Act Smart. THen Fall. One big gaping wound on my Elbow :x I found another one on my thigh about half an hour later.
We finished Cycling,I went to bath (I was the only guy BATHING) and prepared BBQ
BBQ was an Epic Fail, cause Jo is experienced but Mapling -.- Rap was the "fireman" hahah. Then when Aloy, Wen Liang came, Aloy was AWESOME! :DDD
But cause we waste so much fire-starter (40 of 'em) we had to buy another one. In all I guess we went to Cheers and back more than 14 times zzzzz lol Was great anyways.
Aloy Brought an ELECTRIC Guitar too! It's AWESOME! :DDD I feel like getting one! ^^
So most of them went home. Only ALoy, WL, Marcus (3 Guitar HEROES), Wei Jie Amos, Rap stayed behind. And then other than the 3 Guitarist, the rest play DOTA -.- I was CLEANING the Chalet and pissed off with so much rubbish. Surprisely, Aloy, who always had bad rep to teachers in sch and SUPER Vulgar helped. Really surprise :D Thanks Aloy :DDD
But like everyone play DOTA ALL NIGHT. I had trouble sleeping... TOO loud. Outside also 12:30AM many people still BBQ... slept at 1. 4 am woke up, play Aloy ELectric Guitar, went sleep until 6
-Day 2-
Sleepy. The others more sleepy hahaha. Amos Slept a bit too. Gather everyone for Macs. Then found out we can't find the resort card. That was $10. Well.... Although Difficult/tiring/hard, I enjoyed myself :DD

AN APple a DAy KEeps the DOctor AWay

It was AWESOME. The apple people were mostly ang mor. Anyway it's like 12 Nov. :) Me and my friends gonna be on APPLE.COM! :DDDD Yay! :DDD

Monday, November 9, 2009

THIS IS IT... not. Just kidding. it is :DD

I watched This is it TODAY!!! YAY!!! DAM AWESOME :DDD
Hahah! lols I watched This Is It
The Rehearsals by MJ was so Detail. Ohs, btw, tomorrow have Apple Inc Filming us, better sleep soon! Byes! :DD

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Whole family all rushing... zzzzz stuff so many things to the weekend...
Oh the talktothewalls, her name is Cherie Ko Xin Yi
and her Original songs are awesome...
She tried with the "grass-fields" scenery thingy, didn't really work out when the Cameraman moved his Camera and show of a block of flats XD
But the song is awesome :DDD

Friday, November 6, 2009

I didn't need a pick. MY GUITAR TEACHER IS AWESOME

I went to Serangoon CC and it was epic, 5 floors, WITH LIFT. Better than TP South CC. only 2 level :p

I went in there found out have 3 Chords I didn't know G7, Dm7 and F. lol the Teachers were great.

I need to Practice Lover' s Concerto before I carried on with Apologize. Plus somemore Apologize need Capo to transpose the whole guitar :D
I felt epic! :)
Pictures of my Guitar below! :DDD

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I <3 my Blog Skin :D

Brendan Intro this Trance Song to me yesterday. He's into DJs hahah.
Nice song to dance to.
Well, today I went to Serangoon CC for familiarize myself, cause I have Guitar lesson tomorrow there XD Long Story short (Not many read this anyway) when I got to that bus Stop, it rain buckets of cats and dogs and Demi Lavatos (Sth Random) My pants got wet. FROM THE RAIN. Embarrassing ><
It's was alright later, I roughly know where it is, I went back to TP Interchange to Cristofori to buy Guitar Pick. When I asked the counter Lady went, Hard, Medium or soft! I went: "o.0" lol Hey, you can't blame me, I just started Guitar XD
Oh,I found Awesome HOME MADE TALENT!!!!!! AND she's quote chio :DDDD
Talk To The Walls she calls herself
Here's an Original Song

YAY! I finished the Blog Skin! Yay! :D

Hahha! Yay me!
Credits to Shirin for help :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Holiday BORE....

Bored! Bored! OH NO! So any things didn't do
-Transfer Ion Pics from Cam to Mac <--(Woah, reverse! C0ol XD)
-Buy a pick. Not the nose but the guitar
-Get a Capo if possible
Yeah and I need more sleep. Thus panda eyes :X

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Atoms Ions and SONY CAMERAS!!!

Half day boring Half day AWESOME!!!!

The half of the day at ION/Orchard

We first went to for Ice Cream Buffet! XD i can't eat as much already :((( but at least I'm thinner :p

That Ming Fu eating Ice Cream XD

hahah Erm Then I went for a free lesson for the Sony Camera. Because my Mum wants Cheng Fu to learn, she register for Cheng Fu Mine free. Asked the guy if Ming Fu could tag along, in the end he's a nice guy, invited my mum inside also 2 Forms 4 People XDD

I FINALLY know how ISO works and how to take shots. hahaha, one day Photo Marathon

Monday, November 2, 2009

violin Grade 6 is HARD :O

Today went Violin Lesson. Gr 5 PRACTICAL coming in December :X
Dunno why everyone pissed off... ><
Well, Stay happy people!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Electone was alright! HKHG was damn funny ^^ Everyone joked about He Lao Shi's weigh suan him and whatever then he give back 冷笑话! hahahaha XD Maybe having a TA T-Shirt Yay! ^^
Jia Hui get jealous alr. :DDDDD
I printed Apologize on Piano :DDD
And I got my Ronza burger!!! :D

Memorable. (And finally, I can upload stuff to blogger, cause last time I can't)
Hmm in that case I shall upload this as well.....

Hahha! Cute :D Garvin gave it to me on Children's day like last year (Why is the font blue?)

hahha Another one :D TOok it a long time ago. :p

So 1st Nov, my B-Dae coming soon. What have I done in Oct?
-Made it to the top 13 :D
-Got 70% Average Overall ^^
-35 Push-ups rest then another 15-25
-Did Grade 5 Theory Exam
-Opt for Grade 6, try 看看, see if ok, if too difficult, quit it.
-Started Guitar on 26th Oct :D
-ROnza burger
-More LE traps :D
For Fitness surely someone will look and think I'm damn noob :x Well, 不怕慢,之怕站 <-(Some *ahem* people will not bother to read this) and the English Translation? Slow and Steady Wins the Race :D
Hahah! Tomorrow No School! :D weeeeeeee! :D But bored :/

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why must it end that way.

Well Swimming was great, I got Garvin (my Swimming coach) to sign the NYAA thingy XD Now feel sleepy zzzzz....
wonder if TA and Electone class would make me happy :p
Feel bored. MANY PEOPLE MSN OFFLINE zzzzz No one to talk to

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm a white mask! :D

Today I brought my (Very very old) Guitar to school. (Yeah I was a guitarist from Tue) Why? I want to ask Wen Liang to help me change string cuz 3 rusty, one broken :p
He don't want :(( I ask Brendan he also dunno. Last option was to go to Central Music Store to buy. Then after school, went to Ethan's house UT for the first time. Sad part? I kept kenna headshot. :p
Go central outside says
"Operating Hours
Look at watch: 12:05
When with Ethan go his house Ut!
But I don't really like UT. Surprisingly, I think that Maple a bit nicer. But I don't play anymore. IN the End, 4 plus then go buy Guitar Strings.
Went in there like, bought it, ask if they could help me put on the strings they say cannot :(((
Then I thought like if I WERE to change the string myself, I epic phail.
So... Ethan helped me Change string at the stairs near the escalators.
Changing string halfway, this old guy told us to move away from the stairs, to another place.
What's with old people and floors!? Not the 1st time an old guy ask me to not do something regarding the floor. But very pai seh lah ><

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Have a happy retirement Bother! :D

Today was Brother's Civil Jubilee! Almost the whole of the Secondary Section squeezed in with the Primary Section. Some were unlucky and had to sit in the Secondary School Section watching through a big screen. lol
2D was at the Primary Section Hall. XD The Band and C.O. was just as awesome! <3>
Happy Retirement Brother :)
Sad... 2 more days with 2D... :(

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today damn boring.
1ST TIME I went half-conscious in a talk.
Morning Talk.
More talk.
The talks after recess by people who IPW damn zai one :p Dead Leaves, "Prop-Poly" and er... Soap.
The talk on English Advert Project was still ok.
Berwin and Wen Zu did Parkour in the advert, about Insurance hahah! Since they send in an Advert with parkour elements, they got scolded by DK XD
But they got FIRST among all other classes! Best Advert! What are they trying to say? lol
Anyway, tomorrow Brother Anthony no longer be Principal next year. Taken over by an ex-Marist Mr Lim. Awww... :/

Monday, October 26, 2009


Today CIP! Yay!!! KFC!!!! We actually didn't do THAT much :x Zoo, I'm actually the media and photography team. So keep taking shots....
Slack all the way hahaha!
Blogger the Photo hard to upload leh,
Gtg! byes!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Get someone your OWN size. - (Dion or Nick 2, can't remember)

Today morning I surivived with a windows, rather than a mac. It's a MIRACLE. Argh. I'm so gonna kiss my charger when I get it back from School. Opps... Violin lesson on Monday. Need to cancell. First tell my Violin teacher can't go concert, now say Class can't go... Gulps.
Then I went BC... No Mousehunters there except me XP Reynold, Nick 1 not there. Surprising when there's no Nick 1, the class was like damn quiet.
Then we were going to a "meeting" on Animal abuse with Adam, Jeryl *Shiver*, grace, Trina *Shiver*, Kheng Ting and Angeline *shiver*.
I fail. Keep talking out of point. Can everyone kept laughing, so when Ms Kate ask for our points and ideas, we were stumped. Laugh through the whole thing :X
And fyi Dion/Nick 1 & 2 Trina is short (No offense)
HKHG normal Except Hong Ren took my pencil box and hid it inside the toliet. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sad sia. Feel like a failure. ><
No swimming tommorrow. Is it a "yay"? XP
gtg byes! :D

Friday, October 23, 2009

I wanna live a live from a NEW perpective.

Here a dam funny video from NigaHiga. I seriously laugh llike some crazy mad person.
Caution: Runs on Retard hUmor.

Some things in life are worth doing, so at least you can say "I've tried (my best)".

Today was Marist Youth Day. I got 100 cans (12 Coke, 12 Sprite, Remaining 100 plus) I my dad's boot, I took it to the classroom to ask Ming Yao, Joseph and Ethan to help. When it was brought to the classroom. We had almost everything
Then we had one copy of the 4 flyers on one A4, we ask HLB to help us print 40 and when it was done, Jo went back classroom to cut so,... 160 altogether.
I later found out Nick and Gerard Hacked my com. Commenting the "I love you" zzz... and spamming my status. Lame sia. =.-
After 8 plus, me, Ethan, Cedric, Rapheal and Jo went to Basketball court to set up the booth. We can miss the Costume Competition for setting up the booth. But don't want. Cause I dun wanna miss Ivan wearing tight Jersey, dam funny. he was suppose to be LeBron. or sth, XD I dunno how to spell XP But one of them I KNEW straight away was a winner. The person was in a ladies dress, topped up with poses. Whole school cheered. C'mon, a GIRL in a guys sch, thought not really a girl, but hilarious XD
We, set up the the booth. And sweat like alot. When the crowd is release. It's wasn't good. Business was mostly buy selling drinks. Games were... not as good, up picked up, until the drinks ran out :X hahha
I went to enjoy myself with the food (from 2G's selling methods) and GUIATR HERO hahah Cameron is awesome in Guitar Hero, he LITERALLY CAMP THERE, cause Winner go for another game, and he is PLAYING ALL EXPERT XD Marist Youth Day was awesome. The Class with the Guitar Hero Idea won. 2I hahha XD
I feel addicted to the piano somehow. XD <3 it

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ronza came! With Rock-out Cheese and Mice! SO HYPED! YAY!!!! I bought Magma Base (The most worth buying) and Horsey! I wanna buy the Hydro "Sotong" later and then The Speaker. I earning money from Derr Dunes... hahah XD
Enough of mousehunt.
Support B-Ball! Support 2D!!!! WOOTS! COME TO THE BASKET-BALL COURT!!!! 5 V 5 One Coupon one person and make a group of 5 for a team! Winning Team Gets Free Drink each!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


WOOOHOOOO!!!! RONZA's COMING TONIGHT!!! OHH YEAH! :D It's gonna be 2 weeks of awesome-ness! ^_^ Polar AND Party just became LE (Limited Edition) !!!! :D I feels so special!
HQ change Blog skin to black, color scheme not bad. hahahahha lols.
Speaking of blog skins.... A while ago, Someone went to pose me. Yes you Centment. -.-|||
Maybe gonna ask Jo to help me with Blogskin again :p
Anyways, Marist Youth Day is drawing near...
All Marists Reading this! PLAY BASKETBALL AT THE B-BALL COURT! :D YYAAAAY! 2D ftw <3
Wait so long Ronza land alr still can't go shopping XP
Argh When is the Airship gonna Land! A380 So much more faster lor! :/ SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME ><
kays gtg! Byes! :D

Monday, October 19, 2009


I had Violin at 10:00-11:00. It was alright. Except that it ended at 11:00. Why? I was with another girl for Theory, One teacher teach 2 at the same time. The same one that does theory together on Monday. I TOTALLY PWNED her Grade 5 Theory. >:D
But I heard she Uni already. No surprise. (She's quite short for a Uni student :X)
My mum (and my 2 bros) were complaining later hahaa. Then shop in Giordano for Jeans, cause 2 jeans one shirt free!
I took size 32 into the fitting room. But brought another size 30 to try my luck :/
First Jeans Chosen.
2nd one I took 29 and 30.
I could somehow fit in 29, though it's quite tight XP
Ok, gtg byes! :D

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hog IQ has Twitter. Tweet. Tweet. MEOW! XD

This title is another no-link title XD
Today no BC, don't need see the scary ponti again XD But cannot see Reynold, Nick I, Nick II, Dion and Choon Yong haha XD
Fu Jian Hui Kuan as usual though... Hong Ren not here. and i FINALLY gonna link Centment's blog. Nylon xiao one... -.-|||
Then after go my Grandpa's shop went to stock up 24 100 PLus, 12 Coke, 12 Sprite. Total $25 48 cans leh. lol
I wanna promote: Blk 265 Bukit Batok East Ave 4 #01-403! Many stuff at low price! haha XD
Then I went back download THROUGH THE FIRE AND THE FLAMES By DragonForce, hardest song on Guitar Hero and WENT HIGH! I cleaned my room 2 times... 30 Push-ups and 2 retarded dances hahah XD
Tried liao haha Signing off, people! :D

Friday, October 16, 2009


Baby with "evil look"
Baby who is asked about Monsters
Baby breakdancing prodigy
And a very touching Story from Facebook :D
hehe XD
byes! :D

21st Century 2nd Showcase! :D

Yesterday night I went the "b-dae" for the temple near my grandma house, the celebration was big, with few people from the Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council. Worse part was, most of them were old people :( BoChioBu. haha XD

Then today, also as "bittersweet" a tuesday. Too many good news and bad news.
First period, PE no games... :( Watch video about past Olympics. Quite boring, but didn't sleep... I should have...
Marist Youth Day (postponed one) coming! Our booth is something about Basketball! Yay! :D Planning to have 5 V 5 match. :D
And lots of drinks! ^_^
Home Econs Got 45/50 SOOO gonna pull up my average.
Chemistry... disappointing... 44.5/58... :(
Science only A2... :( :( :(
My CA2 will pull my chemistry up... Haix.. maybe Triple pure no Humanites...(S2.1)
Then after that Mr Chia came in ask the representatives for the 21st Century Classroom to go. He broke the dramatic effect. -.-
21st Century Classroom (Com Lab, which have Plasma TV) we had to do research again now on High-tech Farms. My group only Xin Kai T_T 2 people only... the rest 2 or 3... But XIN KAI LEH! T_T
I was nervous. As usual. Huge representatives. First Dr Ng MOE, now Principals from other schools. I did the presentation, and stumbled a lot on my words, but gave one of the best presentations. The only presentation that did not just read out.
Then there was a guy teacher sitting next to us observing. After I did the presentation, we commented on us saying that though the presentation was quite good, discussion is not very good, when I was working with Xin Kai, he said that discussion is the essential part where you learn. (Or something) But whatever it is, he's an AWESOME teacher! TOo bad he's not in MSHS :/

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

T_T My English WHY SO LOW! =(

My English Paper 1 Failed... :(
But my paper 2 pull me up. Just pass only... I dunno if it's the school's Language not good, or that the school standard too high. Imagine Best class NOONE got A for English. XP
Science (Phys), Math, Geog and Chinese were much better.
CHinese because we were AIDED by HLB.
All As... :)
I still feel emo... English gonna pull me down... :(

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today marking day No school! XD
I was laughing at this video
Damn funny leh! haha A bit vulgar though haha! XD
Tomorrow Doomsday because I'm getting my results back haha XD
lol... I feel like emoing XD haha haix.........

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"小猪过 bridge" ~JIa Hui

Swimming was not bad. Chun Yen's brother as sick as ever XD Li Wen (Dunno if name spell correct XP) have fever but still swim. Hmm... Maybe I should start putting Sunblock. 黑马王子变白马王子 ^^
Then lunch was at Ang Mo Kio where my mum brought to a coffee shop where come with her colleagues during lunch. Western, but the food was great. :)
Then I went to Electone class and ask my teacher.
Cause this part of my schedule on Sunday:
3:00 - 4:00 --> Electone
4:00 - 5:45 --> Drama Class (TA)
Then recently, my Piano Accompaniment for my Violin Grade 5 Exam 4:30, so become
4:00-4:30 --> Violin Accompaniment
4:30-5:45 --> Rush to Drama Class 1/2 an hour late XP
Then next year, I'm gonna Upgrade from TA to 银团<-(The more pro one XD) 2 - 4...
so.. clash with Electone.... I asked my Electone teacher whether can change, she gave me 2 options
1) Everyone whole class move to 12-1
2) Move ME only to 1-2 (But I don't like option, cause the class 3 months slower than me, AND all wide age gap, I'm too old XP)
So, I'm asking everyone (Consist of one Girl, 2 guys then me and Cheng Fu)
-Girl? Said maybe...
-Mark (as from a the name, A BOY) Didn't come. He P6 PSLE...
-Elfred (I forgot how to spell his name XP) ALso said maybe...
And some more my Electone teacher NEED TO ASK whether can switch to 12-1 time. XP
AS LONG I GO YIN TUAN! I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!! 福建会馆 FTW!!!! <3>
haha... 然后,after my Violin, I go 课室,half an hour late, XP One girl (That one Chinese DAMN Pro one) was crying. I was like WTF... the rest huddled together writing script on paper. He Lao Shi trying to comfort the girl. As you can see, I can't remember Names very well... can I?
lol... We write script, and talk talk chat chat... lol... Jia Hui was with us, Xtra from 银团 joining TA ^_^, so the classroom can be nosier... and cold(冷笑话). Cuz too quiet. She and some other old-clasmates one year 银团,next year chiong 金团 alr lah! So Zai! People like Yi Le, Yin Tuan this year 2nd year, havent go 金团。。 yet.
Chat, talk, and write until, the Girl stopped crying, wash face, happy back. (Hope the girl doesn't find this URL XP) Jia Hui, if you're reading this... DON'T sabo me... -.-
Then... He Lao Shi surprisingly Xtra Xtra funny today. ^_^ Me and QIn Kai FUNNY with him! haha! He 老师 askme type out the script also... zzzz XD BUt The Day was still awesome.
Came back home felt so hyped, I did Moonwalks... Danced like some crazy idiot (too much energy... The E.N.D. Energy Never Dies...) and did 25 Push ups then bathed.
I still feel awesome hahah! :D
OK, gtg study Home Econs (I need Home Econ pull overall percentage up to beat Ethan >:D)
Byes! :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

SHIVER in YELOW-NESS! (Coldplay songs) :)

Dunno why after keep hearing Monsoon, very sad... lol Feel like emoing. But Home Econs on Monday... I wished I studied more. Haix... Then I scared I study more over-stress myself like in SA1... Dunno if going through SA2 in a relax manner would help. :/
I got more awesome songs too! All english... Now I need Ashley (or anyone who listens to Chinese Music a lot) to update me with songs... XD

Friday, October 9, 2009

I <3 CheeseCake :)

Today I went to CaMoRon's house :)
We took bus to his house and I'm going 2nd time, with Ethan, Jarrett, Wei Jie and BOng (Oh, no more retarded 5 anymore, Dingy and Jo didn't go)
Me and Ethan save up some cash go buy A-Cash for Cam, give him next week, lol... maple lvl 50.
We played Guitar Hero, I was doing Vocals AGAIN!
*There are five modes
-Beginner (Cam says it's for Babies, never try before... yet)
-Easy (I pick this for Drums/Bass Guitar like a LOT)
-Expert (HARDEST, Cam keep playing this mode)
Then I tried Drums... Easy mode*... steady... But don't dare try Medium. And because Cam wanna play the hardest Song on Guitar Hero "THROUGH THE FLAMES AND FIRE" and WOW! Cam was play Expert and fail, lol XD
Ethan (Lead Guitar), Jarrett(Vocalist) and Cam(Drummer) all playing easy, I think... If I'm wrong, then Cam would be playing something harder.
Ethan was AWESOME
And well, we had lunch. Mash 'n' Meatballz. I couldn't eat beef, so no meatballs. But there was still mash PotatO and French FrieS :D And MeatBall sauce! The Meatball sauce (which had no beef) was awesome. I ate with Potato and fries.
And THIS TIME... I DIDN'T TAKE ALL THE FOOD... like last time lol...
and BOng didn't break another Bowl...
Or Cam's Guitar Hero Drum set XD
Then we tried other Songs like Monsoon, Are you gonna go my Way, Beat it (Then Ethan did moonwalk and crotch holder), Misery Business, What I've Done,...
And I changed to Guitar... Bass :)
We changed CD to another Guitar Hero (Smash Hits) and we changed to one singer...
if very Revealing clothes... :X a bit sick, then wei jie wa going like "oo... hot B***h" XD Then, once, we changed all Singers to The character.... lols... The Band Of Hot B****es XD
And did lotz of Star power! We ate CheeseCake with Passion! And did more GUITARZ! We tried Hard songs like Shiver from Coldplay... but failed XP
Then at 5:00, Ethan had to leave... But I wanted to Stay... so, BOng, and Jarrett left. Me and Cam and Wei JIe, did Strangehold and it was like DAMN LONG! So I had nice to adjust myself to the rhythm... haha XD
6:00 Go home... Haix... I <3>
I got Monsoon and Are You Gonna Go my Way in my iTUnes.
After I listened to MOnsoon... I emo alr haha XD I'm gonna put as Blog music >:D

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mac Saga III The return of the Mac!

Yesterday, I got the letter regarding next year's 福建会馆 班, I'm Upgrading TA, GOING 银团!!! Today I got my MAC BACK TOO!!!!!!
But I thought about 银团 , and it will clash with my Electone Class. TA is 4:00-6:45 My Electone Class (Not 1-on-1) is 3-4, 银团 is 2-4, so I have to which class. =( I'll miss my friends in Electone class now... But I'm going to a new Electone Class will meet people, and 银团 with NEW PEOPLE and OLD CLASSMATES! ALL NOISY PEOPLE! YAY!!!!! :D :D :D :D
My Uncle from Hong Kong flew back to see my Grandpa, he at Hospital... He there for around 10 days already, many operations... :/ Hopes he gets better.
Quote of the Day: Letting Go of the Past, Enlarges the Future. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mac Saga II

I left my mac yesterday. Today was lit test... Coraline, still ok, I HOPE I get A... :/
I went to Apple Service centre and ask the guy weather reformat was under-warranty.. :( $30 grew wings and flu away. He say reformat need 1/2 hour, so I go home first. Tomorrow I'm getting it BACK! YAY ME!!! *claps* :D @Jo: Propelling ftw <3

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hiax... Ever Since this morning, My Mac can't work.
Went Swimming.
Lost badly to CHun Yen and his Sister (as usual)
Kenna CRAMP. T_T
Went for lunch (it was awesome...)
HKHG wasn't screwed. At least one good thing.
But I'm writing this with a CRAPPY ACER WINDOW. T_T
I WANT MY MACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC! :( And now I accidentally erased all data from my iPod... All my songs were in my Mac. T_T I WaNT TO CRY!!!!
ASHLEY/Jo/(Anyone who uses Media Fire and knows me), if you're reading this, can u upload some (English CHinese)songs in a zip folder to Mediafire for me, thanks :D
haix... tomorrow have Chinese Paper 1... Screwed man, today. I'm gonna go Apple Sevice Center... Tomorrow... if it's NOT OPENED... I CRY!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


LOL, Dion tell me he met Angeline at Tanglin Mall 5 TIMES! hen you yuan fen! haha! XD
And I finally Got Centment's Blog URL... Ate Chewing Gum in Chinese Tuition (Teacher give one XD)
lol I'm listeninng to Canon in D (Piano) very nice. the Electric Guitar ver. also veri nice!
Went to my Grandpa's shophouse in Bukit Batok, 2nd Aunt gave us Snow-skin mooncakes!! YAY!
Haix.. so many things I didnt do... Another day slipped past me... :(

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I screwed up English COmpo. But Geog was alright

My Compo and COmpre yesterday was screw. Compo I scared I write out of point... :O
Today Geog was alright...
Haix.. I'm faced with YET another truth, would pretending make anything out of it?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


HLB GAVE THE SHORTER STUDY NOTE! YAY!!! :D :D :D :D Studying geog now... Byes! :D

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get a new one! Throw away the old one! What if we were the "old one"?

We thrown away... haix...
We (Me, Jun Ming and Wei Jie) went to Mrs Roche to hand in Art competition. THen once people hear have CCA points? Everyone do... -.-
We do cause we LOVE art, and may not get a chance to do art tomorrow.
Haix.. HLB have Chinese Study Note for SA2, 20 words
The one he gave us 99.
Now Chiong Summary :(

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Triple EPIC Fail...

Drama class I epically screwed up in Drama Class... I practically kept talking crap... AND MADE THE PEOPLE repeat the scene again and again...
Sorry Qin Kai XP
And Especially jia Hui... (The Shui Shen) I'm supposed to throw a 斧头 at the shui shen... and Shui Shen supposed to Rub the Big Ba Lu Gu on her head... she rubbed until 本来 not pain, but now pain! XP

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Erm, I should be studying geog instead of doing this?

Well, studying Geog today, english TUition was AWESOME, we had Battle Of the Sexes and when my friend lost to Angeline (Lai) WITHIN SPLIT SECOND "I knew that" -.-
lols, Chinese Tuition as normal
Dotz, as normal. zzz also as normal. Dotz havent gave me her new Blog URL yet. I forgot to ask her today also.
Her Despo friend bugging her again (its her CLASSMATE) for some guy's number. -_-|| Seriously sia, her despo frewn everyday SMS to bug dotz to get the guy's number.
(Btw, the Despo frewn likes a guy from the same class, and you know HOW her Despo friend get to know that guy? Dotz went to DESCRIBE TO HER. lol...)
From What I heard from Dotz, she EVERYDAY SMS one...

@Nax So Nax, interested? :D

Friday, September 25, 2009


TOday the Minister Came to see our 21st Century Classroom. The minister came in with Brother Anthony and some other MOE officials. We were in the computer labs One side 2B, one side 2D. (2B was doing CHinese) and we of course were using Plasma TVs as touch screens to research on How a light bulb works (or something). XD While we were researching, I got SO NERVOUS. I hesitated like A LOT! ><><
Haix... Soon after, he left the computer lab.
Then I talked to Mr Lee (John Lee, not Ben Lee), he ALSO play Mousehunt, legendary already! LOL! XD
Mr Wee said we did a good job! ^_^
The day onwards was OK...
Home Econs didn't do finish, Monday gonna do.
Gotta revise for Geog, bye! :D

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Sec 2 Dominic of MSHS has been CHOSEN to be the 21ST CENTURY CLASSROOM, and DR NG WOULD BE LOOKING AT US!!!!!! WOOTS!
Some more, I'm one of the GROUP LEADER! WOOTS!
It's another milestone for MSHS, and 2D IS PART OF IT!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Today, my mum, my 2 bros and me went to J8 to redeem free mooncake. We went to taste some of them anyways...
Ming Fu (Or Cheng Fu) Acidentally knock over a box, and the samples came falling down.
Opps... XP
We tasted the Mooncake later, and it was awesome, especially the custard one XD
I finished art. (sort of)
I finish English Oral recording (Sort of... too)
I'm doing lit half-way, Chem, physics also 1/2-way.
Maths haven't touch, cause tomorrow don't have :)

But sometimes, I really think some people should watch their mouths... it's sharp too often.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wedding LUNCH! 20/09/09

Yesterday, me and my family went to my mum's cousin's wedding. (Aunite Shandy) It was cool, the lunch took place in a church...
But anyways lunch was OK...
2:45, we half-way rush to Toa Payoh for Piano Accompaniment, cause my Grade 5 Violin is coming soon. My piano accompaniment teacher ... is my violin teacher's brother.
lol, My Violin teacher is like VERY strict, so I thought his brother would be...
But I was wrong, he's a nice teacher, and I screwed up a few notes, because I was too nervous... :/
Then after that rush to HKHG for lesson and kept talking while we did puppets for our end-of-year performance.
As for TODAY (21/09/09) SELAMAT HARI RAYA!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Awesome QUOTES!

I had one BEAUTIFUL passage we did for Compre, it was about reminders in life, about danger, humbleness, risks but nothing about Happiness.
So, we had news reporting bombings, weather, but what about happiness?
Food for thought. :)
So while you're at ease, don't just prepare for the next exam, enjoy the holidays, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't revise either.
Jut do one thing, remind yourself you fortunate you are and enjoy happiness when you can :)

Friday, September 18, 2009


On Sunday, He Lao Shi(My Speech and Drama Teacher) told the 银团 to watch a video by SIngapore Polytechnic, but I was there too, so I also went to check it out
If you didn't cry after the video, something is wrong...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chess Opening: Fortress, (Defense) OWNAGE! :D

Today, Michael Siong not wearing eye patch thingy anymore, but after CCA, me, Frank, PA and Wen Xuan walk with him to bus Stop. (Hey, his one eye only 20% visible...) And Frank joked about how RGS everyone no boyfriend, how Michael Siong sees random people on the street he knows and says "hi" and other stuff...
I won't push the rose to bloom anymore.
I'm still waiting for it to open though, but in a more relaxed manner of waiting. :)
-Lights Out-

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bishan Gay: Saga II

Today we went to Farm again. Originally we wanted to go to Kranji to a Agro-tech farm, but Ethan say Daniel went to a Fish Farm in Lim Chu Kang, so we went to J8 now we sit a table IN FRONT OF HIM XP, Ethan Took photo using Jo's handphone! XD haha!
Then we went to Lim Chu Kang MRT and waited for the shuttle bus, but it was 4:00PM so we needed to hurry up. The shuttle bus took us there, and we went to take information. Nothing much happen, Jo kept buying ice-cream an drinks.
Then we went out to try and find the other farm, we walked for very long... we ask many farms, but not one of them at Agro-tech Farm...
So we just took Joseph's Dad's Car.
Well, there was A LOT of mosquitos and flies while we were waiting outside one non-agro-tech farm (we asked)... Thanks to the hair on my arms and legs, the rest got bitten... badly XD haha
I thought Jo
s Dad was strict, when he came near us and said to Jo (who wa desperate for water) "Ok, I'm goinG qian Hu... bye" then he pretend to go.
But came back anyways, yeah, I see the family similarities, no wonder Jo is such a joker! XD jkj no offense. At least his dad makes good jokes... lol...
Last thing I wanna add,
I wish HQ good luck on Chem blocks tomorrow! ^^ JY!

Monday, September 14, 2009

1st Day of school

click the enter button. w8 arh, blog is loading... loading...
-Loading finish-
Erm,... Bad start, woke up a bit late, started a convo with a guy called Isaac Er as he live around my house, he 2H NCC. lol
Morning as usual, HLB shouting .... ... Lots of homework
and procrastination XP <--(the procrastination includes writing this blog)
Well, after school, Mr Chia asked me and some other people to stay behind after school for some "21st Century Classroom Briefing" as we were representatives ^_^
Mr Wee and Mr Lee ask us to install 2 program, and Mr Wee demo to us, turn a PLASMA TV INTO A TOUCH SCREEN USING A WII-MOTE (for people who DON'T know, WII-mote is a WII controller for Nitendo WII) We installed 2 major applications, but because time was running out (it was 3 PM) so he said there would be a 2nd "lesson" to teach us how to use this.
And then my grandma came up with this Imba idea.
1st things 1st, after school I go to my grandma's house, in Toa Payoh
2nd, my Violin teacher's house (Private teaching) is at Toa Payoh also (see how convenient?)
3rd, I take 28 can go my Grandma's house then next stop, violin teacher house
4th My violin at Grandma house
And last my grandma is DAMN IMBA, she help us chop down our tree before, she's Damn strong and active

So I asked if she could w8 at the bus stop, so when the bus comes to a stop, the door open, I take Violin form her.
Problem? I got the VIolin, the bag with my music theory homework and music sheets not there :O
I just went for my Violin class anyway

When I went in, I saw that GIRL again, well, her lesson is actually 2:45-3:30, then mine 3:30-4:30. So I learn Violin AND theory, but she learn theory only, so Mr Lawu, would drag her time, and teach us both at the same time. Why? cuz the girl usually late, and the teacher usually pis cuz of that.
Like yeah, when he scolded me, not as bad, well, not scolded, talked or something lah, my Vocab ain't so powerful, so hehe Got away.
VIolin normal
then ok, go home, MSN, the video of Nanyang Gals Modern Dance (NYGMD) on Facebook I took, and spammed like hell XP haha
AND to HAO QING's frewn, I WAS NOT A FLIRT, there's a difference between MAKING FREWN AND FLIRTING.
lol,opps... procrastinate so long... lit havent do, CHinese havent do T___T
anyways here's the vid, if anyone wanna see,
how at the AWESOME "cameraman-ship" lol jkjk, my Cam skills suck,

And somemore, when I MSN gave Hao QIng this Embed code, the "><" became one one my emoticon pictures lol, so cute.
gtg byes! :D

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Saturday, my chinese tuition teacher gave me a IMBA quote
She say her friend (who passed away) once told her this <---(For MSHS people, it sounds like a Mr Cwok story, but it's better than that)
For English, erm, It's not the best translation but there it goes.
"The journey of life is more important than the what you get at the end"
And today, I heard a quote on radio, about Fate,
"Fate brings the type of people into your life. YOU choose who you want to stay. YOU choose who you want them to walk away. YOU choose who to prevent them from walking away."
(At least, I THINK this is how it went... XP)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

ESPERANZA Fue impresionante!

Didn't have time yesterday, my mum want me to sleep EARLY. zzzzzz =.=
I went to NYGH to that performance, and the school was BIG. (unlike MSHS, which is rather compressed XP)
AND an AIR-CON AUDITORIUM! My school, I'm still waiting to have the Shaw Hall air-conned (Nax, Jo, vote for Air-con in Hall)
7:30 they show some powerpoint about VSA, about helping disabled people, (since the Esperanza IS a charity concert) then the MCs came up and took the stage.
There weren't many people much but more and more people came.
1st Performance was by a diabled person who played the piano very well. It was all awesome until and person tried to give the pianist flowers and... curtains came down. XD
2nd one was Hao Qing's big performance, Apologize by the NYGMD. (and yes, I could hear the friction of feet sliding on the stage floor) I uploaded the Vid to Facebook: ?.phpv=1149969783206

3rd performance was by a professional Er Hu player (My dad will love it, as he like Er Hu music, he plays Er Hu himself, but no very well XP) which was pretty good,
4th Performance was by the NYGH Chinese Dance, 3 people only and the dance was OK. But the music was by Jay Chou, and Jay CHou ROCKZ! :D
5th Performance was done by another guy who played the piano and sang. 2 songs, then 2nd song people start to clap along.
6th Performance was ACS COMEDY! Jonathan was playing the Mouse in the Cinderella!
7th One was from HWA CHONG, the "Your Bitter Sweet Addiction" and IT WAS AWESOME, maybe me and brendan should get a band, I play Violin, he play Guitar/Piano!
lol gtg Swimming, byes!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


We went to Suntec City for the IT show, so we went there but Car park was full, we had to go ALL the way to ESPLANADE for a parking lot! =.- 
So yeah, it means we have to walk ALL THE WAY from Esplanade to Suntec, we took the 15 minute underpass, and stopping at a point (where there's a few shops) to have lunch at some restaurant. Then continue.
There were MANY PEOPLE (as usual) we squeezed our way to the IT fair to get a Sony Camera FIRST. Because the Lumix one spoil, XP, then left one Sony Cam, so called "mine", but then my mum FINALLY decided to buy 2nd one because one time my dad and I need that one Sony Cam left at the same time... so one camera in the house not enough XP
We got this...
( I actually wanted to upload a picture, but it take so LONG, Screw it. XP)
OK, DSC-WX1, HD 1080, 
New Camera... around 600 bucks... I would say it's worth while, some more it's doesn't spoil easily, the sales person did a drop test, It's dam zai! 
Then will shop for Com Mouse (lol, not Mousehunt) and printer ink and my dad said we could take a detour to Marina Barrage to check it out,
It was awesome, there will be an upcoming "garden by the bay" or something like that...
End of the day, homework? Little accomplished. :(

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The man alone will not give up through the night, for he knows Dawn draws the Earth new light.

Meeting Brendan at 10 At Serangoon! Yay! :)
PM 7:30 I went to Brendan's house, it was AWESOME :) X-Box GALORE!!! :D
He didn't really do anything educational... :O
1) Played Halo 3 (with Chai and Sin Kang)
2) Went for Lunch
3) Played Left 4 Dead
5) FIDDLE around with my Violin, his Piano and his (Acoustic) Guitar
6) played Need for Speed
7) Play Fable 2
Yup, and SA 2 is coming... T_T I only fear for languages.
And my mum sent me a mail with quotes and all that, I upload on Facebook as it was AWESOME!
Btw, my mum does sent me random mail, (e.g. Jokes, quotes and word-of-the-day)
And I'm opening my blog to everyone. Don't bother to invite people anymore... too lazy XD XD

It's also 09/09/09!!!! :D YAY! 九九九 (999, can call police XD) wish our happiness 永久!Our Health 永久!Our Wealth 永久!
OK, time to revise CHINESE! :D Byes!

My day is S.C.R.E.W.E.D.

Life is competitive, it's an open competition now...
I'm gonna lose...
and there's so many stuff I haven't done yet... :(

Monday, September 7, 2009

Violin Brings Back SEXY!!! (just like Jutin Timberlake)

Brendan sent me a song from Final Fantasy, and said it was nice. And also because Brendan (an Excellent Pianist and Guitarist), his cousin (an excellent drummer) and his sister (an Excellent vocalist) and me (somewhat excellent violinist) may play that song
Yeah, like some band :)
And Violin lesson Theory, a girl was in my lesson (It was SUPPOSED to be 1-to-1) because her lesson ended but then the teacher wanted to teach us both.
At least I learnt something. (I Suck at intervals... and some more... Double reel...)
So, it took more time than expected, left very little time for Violin, shortly after the next person having lesson after mine, came in.
(Don't believe me, Google Image search a Violin, it has KILLER CURVES ON ALL THE RIGHT AREAS)  XD

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Cold Silence...

My classmate in speech and drama (TA) got scolded... bad... He left and was SO DAM PISSED OFF...
Then the classroom was very quiet..............
Well, who reads this blog anyways, please juz comment on the blog :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Geog-ing (Jogging) Failure!

Yesterday, we went to visit Agro-technology Farms, as planned, so as it was Founder's Day, there was early release at 12:10!

 So, Jo, Ethan, Ash, B.Ong, Chai, Amos and I took Circle Line from my school to Bishan and went to KFC at J8 and Amos ALMOST MISS THE TRAIN!
Now look:
My Group
-Cameron (Couldn't come, Founder's Day)
-Dingy (Band, Founder's Day rehearsal)
Ash's Group
...3 people in my group only...
... But we when we go KFC had an encounter with BISHAN GAY!!!! NO!!!!!!! Seriously, he was CREEPY! Smiling at RI guys............. And the only empty table available (after the 2 AUnties sitting there left) was beside Bishan Gay!!!! ARGH!!!!! Luckily, another person on another table left, I sat on that table, BUT IT WAS STILL 2 TABLES FROM BISHAN GAY. We ate, and left...
But Ash disappeared as he was the person to know where's the map of the farms, so FINALLY HE PICKED UP HIS CALL! He told us to meet at Khatib, so we met there, prepared some drinks and walked...
Until we reached a point where that path leads to 3 ways, the map sucks, so we just followed Ashley.
It was a whole lot of confusion before we got there, and when we got there, there wasn't much Info... AT ALL...
All the info we got when we interview them were very little...
And B.Ong, and Chai were slacking and play PSP, DJ Max or sth...
It's was around 3:00 when we finished with that farm, we went to Khatib to take bus to the farm in LoYang, but Ethan and Jo needed to go home... (Ethan and Jo go, so I'm only man left in MY group T_T)
So we took 39 there and just kept walking...
and walking
-Farmway 1-
-Farmway 2-
We didn't see anything LIKE a Agro-tech Fish farm... 
Until B.Ong gave us good news and bad news...
We chose bad news first,
Bad news: We have to walk all the way back
Good News? : We are not lost.
LOL, we walked back, try看看 and see if it is one, but they keep declining interviews... EPIC FAIL... :(
So we took a picture anyways. :)
When we walked back, we talk about super-human abilities... "core" and what the human killer instinct is...
then I cracked a horny joke
-Horny joke*- 
(*Can't tell because it will corrupt people XP)
But it was damn funny.
Well we walked back and I got home at 7... T__T
Tiring... but quite fun :)


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog in SCHOOL! :D

In school, 9:41, lol PE was AWESOME! Chinese Culture? damn slack, so have time to do this, well, today is FOUNDER'S DAY! EARLY RELEASE! 
But I need to do Geog Project and go Agricultural farm...
I'm going with Ethan and Joseoh (My group) + Ash, pale, B.Ong(lol), B.Chai, and Amos! Yay! :D :D :D
Hols are coming, better prepare for SA...
1st Oct Eng Lang Paper 1 & 2
2nd Oct Geog
5rd Oct Chinese Lang Paper 1
6th oct English Lit
7th Oct Science
8th Oct Maths
9th Oct Chinese Paper 2
12 Oct Home Econs

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

GH-ing at Cam's place!

Today, it started quite rough, but it became better, I went to Dover with Ethan, and waited for Cam and Dingy, everyone went to Cam's place, and on the way we saw Bryan Ong, everyone went up, and WOAH
Cam's room is Uber Orange!
Then we tried to learnt to play Wii And it was TOTALY AWESOME! After the Balloon shooting game, and the table tennis one (I own everyone in Table Tennis on Wii) and we got on to Guitar Hero.
I would say 75% of the time at Cam's house was Guitar Hero!
I did most of the vocals, and pretty well (as in the pitch, as I scored high points) but did badly in Drums and Bass lol XD 
Ethan was lead Guitar, Ding was Bass G. and BO was drums!
Lunch there was great.... Until BO Broke the bowl, It shatter into a million pieces! aiyo XD
After more GH-ing (which I dont want to brag too much about) we went downstairs for Table tennis and Monkey Ball lol XD 
-The End- 
I dont wanna write too long to bore you out XD

Monday, August 31, 2009


Teacher's Day was AWESOME!
In the morning, The celebration was quite nice!
It started with the Talentime... mostly. It had 5 judges, one of them is Cameron, 3 teachers, + another counsellor.
First was someone from 2G, and sang 简简单单, then I then round and saw a BANNER saying "No. 1 Joel" LOL DAMN FUNNY.
-No time to write blog-
OK, I skip the Performance, lol,
Hmm... after that me and Ethan went to General Office to look for Mr Lim, Mrs Chong and Mr Goy, we could find Mr Lim, Mrs Chong and Mr Goy not there...
Then I went to Primary school and saw my OLD FREWNS!!!!! 
Abdul, Zi Li were the first people to COme down! Shirin Appearred later
Well, Kai CHun didn't come, Zi QIng, and er... ... Michael. So sad. XP
Well I had prepare chocolates for Mr Sim, Mrs Goh and Lee 老師,Lee 老師 gave back a chocolate from her own lol
Then I forgot about my Violin Class, and choing there, and heng wasn't late. I gave him a teacher's day gift anyway! :D

Later than evening, my family and I went to watch "WHERE GOT GHOST" By Jack Neo and it was AWESOME! They even had a touching "sequel" for Money No Enough 2 XD

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life is never the same with that different light...

No swimming because raining heavily, I swan anyways, quite cold, but fun XD
Then HKHG speech and drama we coming up with a play (for kids) =.= lol, 金斧頭和银斧头 + 三只小猪 + 3 Billy goats.
Then my family go SIngapore EXPO for the NATAS Travel Fair, we decided on CHina again.
But it will be never the same... without that old streetlight...