Blog Visits :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The man alone will not give up through the night, for he knows Dawn draws the Earth new light.

Meeting Brendan at 10 At Serangoon! Yay! :)
PM 7:30 I went to Brendan's house, it was AWESOME :) X-Box GALORE!!! :D
He didn't really do anything educational... :O
1) Played Halo 3 (with Chai and Sin Kang)
2) Went for Lunch
3) Played Left 4 Dead
5) FIDDLE around with my Violin, his Piano and his (Acoustic) Guitar
6) played Need for Speed
7) Play Fable 2
Yup, and SA 2 is coming... T_T I only fear for languages.
And my mum sent me a mail with quotes and all that, I upload on Facebook as it was AWESOME!
Btw, my mum does sent me random mail, (e.g. Jokes, quotes and word-of-the-day)
And I'm opening my blog to everyone. Don't bother to invite people anymore... too lazy XD XD

It's also 09/09/09!!!! :D YAY! 九九九 (999, can call police XD) wish our happiness 永久!Our Health 永久!Our Wealth 永久!
OK, time to revise CHINESE! :D Byes!

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