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Monday, September 7, 2009

Violin Brings Back SEXY!!! (just like Jutin Timberlake)

Brendan sent me a song from Final Fantasy, and said it was nice. And also because Brendan (an Excellent Pianist and Guitarist), his cousin (an excellent drummer) and his sister (an Excellent vocalist) and me (somewhat excellent violinist) may play that song
Yeah, like some band :)
And Violin lesson Theory, a girl was in my lesson (It was SUPPOSED to be 1-to-1) because her lesson ended but then the teacher wanted to teach us both.
At least I learnt something. (I Suck at intervals... and some more... Double reel...)
So, it took more time than expected, left very little time for Violin, shortly after the next person having lesson after mine, came in.
(Don't believe me, Google Image search a Violin, it has KILLER CURVES ON ALL THE RIGHT AREAS)  XD

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