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Sunday, October 11, 2009

"小猪过 bridge" ~JIa Hui

Swimming was not bad. Chun Yen's brother as sick as ever XD Li Wen (Dunno if name spell correct XP) have fever but still swim. Hmm... Maybe I should start putting Sunblock. 黑马王子变白马王子 ^^
Then lunch was at Ang Mo Kio where my mum brought to a coffee shop where come with her colleagues during lunch. Western, but the food was great. :)
Then I went to Electone class and ask my teacher.
Cause this part of my schedule on Sunday:
3:00 - 4:00 --> Electone
4:00 - 5:45 --> Drama Class (TA)
Then recently, my Piano Accompaniment for my Violin Grade 5 Exam 4:30, so become
4:00-4:30 --> Violin Accompaniment
4:30-5:45 --> Rush to Drama Class 1/2 an hour late XP
Then next year, I'm gonna Upgrade from TA to 银团<-(The more pro one XD) 2 - 4...
so.. clash with Electone.... I asked my Electone teacher whether can change, she gave me 2 options
1) Everyone whole class move to 12-1
2) Move ME only to 1-2 (But I don't like option, cause the class 3 months slower than me, AND all wide age gap, I'm too old XP)
So, I'm asking everyone (Consist of one Girl, 2 guys then me and Cheng Fu)
-Girl? Said maybe...
-Mark (as from a the name, A BOY) Didn't come. He P6 PSLE...
-Elfred (I forgot how to spell his name XP) ALso said maybe...
And some more my Electone teacher NEED TO ASK whether can switch to 12-1 time. XP
AS LONG I GO YIN TUAN! I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!! 福建会馆 FTW!!!! <3>
haha... 然后,after my Violin, I go 课室,half an hour late, XP One girl (That one Chinese DAMN Pro one) was crying. I was like WTF... the rest huddled together writing script on paper. He Lao Shi trying to comfort the girl. As you can see, I can't remember Names very well... can I?
lol... We write script, and talk talk chat chat... lol... Jia Hui was with us, Xtra from 银团 joining TA ^_^, so the classroom can be nosier... and cold(冷笑话). Cuz too quiet. She and some other old-clasmates one year 银团,next year chiong 金团 alr lah! So Zai! People like Yi Le, Yin Tuan this year 2nd year, havent go 金团。。 yet.
Chat, talk, and write until, the Girl stopped crying, wash face, happy back. (Hope the girl doesn't find this URL XP) Jia Hui, if you're reading this... DON'T sabo me... -.-
Then... He Lao Shi surprisingly Xtra Xtra funny today. ^_^ Me and QIn Kai FUNNY with him! haha! He 老师 askme type out the script also... zzzz XD BUt The Day was still awesome.
Came back home felt so hyped, I did Moonwalks... Danced like some crazy idiot (too much energy... The E.N.D. Energy Never Dies...) and did 25 Push ups then bathed.
I still feel awesome hahah! :D
OK, gtg study Home Econs (I need Home Econ pull overall percentage up to beat Ethan >:D)
Byes! :)

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