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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Today was Ming Fu's performance At the DBS Auditorium and parents supposed to leave their children here for rehearsals and come back at 3:45. BUt I saw Randall AND Qin Kai, Randall cause he 银团,then Qin Kai also help out... so I also volunteer myself AS A LAST MINUTE Helper. Sad part is, I DON'T HAVE THAT SHIRT T.T
But never mind, at least I had free Teh bing XD

Performance was great, everything was smooth, except one thing:
When Shi Hui and Yi Le leading one of the classes, I was there to make the flow faster, keep quiet etc. then ONE KID CALLED ME "UNCLE" T.T AM I THAT OLD?! Sadded hahha

Then we went Subway hahah XD

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