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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Michael Sion ALSO excepts us to practice chess 30 minutes... haiz...
Well, Bio class really hit me today. All along, I have been waiting for an inspiration, that will decide what subject I'll take in JC, Mr Teo, my Biology Teacher gave me that.
He taught us outside-of-syllabus stuff, (alpha) Glucose and (alpha) Galactose forming together to become Lactose, and how Carbon 1 and Carbon 4 Reacts in Condensation, Fructose is weird, Pentagon, most reactive side? Carbon 2, different from Glucose and Galactose, Fructose even sound weird. Say "Fructose" 10 times a loud. XD hahahah but it's damn cool when I feel Enlightened! IT'S SO DAMN FUN!!! AHHHHH Highness~
Got the tickets today too hehehe :)

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