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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Here's a story (lol I sound like Mr Kwok):
After a Geography Lesson on the 7 Wonders, the students were asked to list what they thought is the 7 wonders of the world. Upon the whole Class this have been the most common 7 wonders (although there was some disagreement)

1) Taj Mahal
2) Great Pyramids of Egypt
3) Grand Canyon
4) Empire State Building
5) Panama Canal
6) St. Peter's Basilica
7) Great Wall.

All except for one quiet girl didn't turn in her paper yet. So he asked "Do you need help with your list?"
"I have too many to write down, and I'm not sure which one.." the girl replied
"Well, why not tell us, we can help you,"

"I think the 7 Wonders or the World are...

1. To See
2. To Hear
3. To Touch
4. To Taste

She hesitated for a little...

5. To Run
6. To Laugh
7. To Love
Just because some things come in abundance doesn't make them less precious. Think of all the things that could have gone wrong during that 9 Months, but didn't, how everything came together to create another life - A Miracle in itself.
The Pyramids or Egypt may seem like works of geniuses, but these are not the things that make life worth living. Seek the true wonders of the world, your friends, your family and the ability to appreciate the simple things in life.

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