Blog Visits :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today after BC, waited at the bus stop for very very long time.... HALF A BLOODY HOUR. Chloe and some yellow Shirt RGS person stuck there. Luckily not late for Chinese tuition. Hong Ren Started watching peter chou....
yay! Yintuan tomorrow... I hope there's a BETTER game than the TI-TI-TI-TIUUUU~ thing :P

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kevin went to show everyone my blog... because of piracy reasons, I've locked up this blog, otherwise some people might still get invaded of their piracy too.
Love Geog~
Mr Low have also have panda eyes...
"I have Panda blood in me.. eh, anyone also like me?"
Me : "Hey Brother!"
"HEY! Sad right? Pandas highly endangered"
Me: Sad lah
"Eh, don't worry, there're two FEMALE pandas coming to Singapore... HEHE ^^" <-(gave the pervert face)
lol sorry if I spoiled the joke for you... people in my class would totally understand XD

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tomorrow no school! wheee! XD I hope this year sec 4 will also do well to earn another day off next year, and hopefully, my batch would do well too...
I forgot to bring my PE pants today, then I lent a PRC's one (he offered), cuz he have no PE Singlet, so then Mr Suresh went after me... felt really really bad :x
Donated to $7 to Haiti also...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Went Swimming , then dad nag there nag there

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Here's a story (lol I sound like Mr Kwok):
After a Geography Lesson on the 7 Wonders, the students were asked to list what they thought is the 7 wonders of the world. Upon the whole Class this have been the most common 7 wonders (although there was some disagreement)

1) Taj Mahal
2) Great Pyramids of Egypt
3) Grand Canyon
4) Empire State Building
5) Panama Canal
6) St. Peter's Basilica
7) Great Wall.

All except for one quiet girl didn't turn in her paper yet. So he asked "Do you need help with your list?"
"I have too many to write down, and I'm not sure which one.." the girl replied
"Well, why not tell us, we can help you,"

"I think the 7 Wonders or the World are...

1. To See
2. To Hear
3. To Touch
4. To Taste

She hesitated for a little...

5. To Run
6. To Laugh
7. To Love
Just because some things come in abundance doesn't make them less precious. Think of all the things that could have gone wrong during that 9 Months, but didn't, how everything came together to create another life - A Miracle in itself.
The Pyramids or Egypt may seem like works of geniuses, but these are not the things that make life worth living. Seek the true wonders of the world, your friends, your family and the ability to appreciate the simple things in life.
AHHHHH! STUPID SUMMARY! TOO LITTLE WORDS. -.- Got my Grade 5 Distin. Theory Cert today :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today, paid for the tickets for the concert @ Esplanade on Friday 7:30. Used All my money, and I was short of 10 cents... :/
I should really save money now...
Then after school, we went to Harmony Centre and for Learning Journey, to a Mosque to learn more about Islam.
And during Q&A there's a very dumb AHEM guy who asked a question about castration. Poor spokeswomen, you should've seen her reaction...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blue VS Pink

I did the IC today XD Gonna receive one month later :)

Slow but Steady Wins the Race XD

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today Assembly talks about goals and dreams, some stupid skit. I bet 银团 can do better! hehe XD I guess I'm a Music guy stuck in Science & Math, but I told myself it's so that I have more choices... in case some last minute thing comes up to me and inspires me. XD I can play MEDITATION DE THIAS! :DDDD
My Grade 5 Theory scored 90!!!!! DISTINCTION!!!
I'm also starting on Grade 6 Practical and Grade 6 THeory... I hope I can cope with my school work XP

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Today suddenly not stressed. lol dunno why.
CCA Maze I lost to a SEC 1!!!! IN FRONT OF HIS MUM?! So I felt so epic fail XP

Friday, January 15, 2010

Stress sia

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?! I can't understand A-Math, get SS and stuff! ARGH! Super super frustrated that I can't grasp much from school...

Thursday, January 14, 2010



Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I PASS IT! but 64/100 (trinity Exam not ABRSM) :DDDD
But Grade 6 will be hard, oh and I'm learning Meditation De Thais (the titanic one) hahah :D
Today I went with Ethan to Interview Hawkers... many of them didn't want to get interview >< hahah we found one lah, can and so it's done. Ethan have MR Chew as his Chinese Teacher, we have Ms Ding, he said Mr Chew is better, though more strict, but it's ok... DML is nice too XD

Thursday, January 7, 2010


If you are reading this, can you just tag on the tagboard... thanks :D

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The class key works in this way, you take the key, you give your Ez-link. You give back key, you take back Ez-link... I went on the bus, discovered a missing card, and an extra key... all the way back to school... lol >< epic phial....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today There's lessons and everything, Chem, E-Geog, PE, Math, EL, SS... lol geog is the BEST! I <3 my Geog teacher, Mr Low :) He's SUPER SUPER Funny! My duty as (potential) chairman, also... quite fail... but it's like first day... anyways, more CCA points :D
anyways, i have lotz of work... byes! XD

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Went to School, saw Kvin, Ming Yao, then went up look for Wen Xuan, he said Michael Siong may not be coaching. Chess Club is like nothing without Michael Siong XP then today he busy. Afterwards, came back to 3B and said hi to random people. After morning assembly, our Form Teacher came (which is also our ENglish Teacher) Fat, Queen-Englishy but funny at times :)
Some briefing, then me and Waise snatching for the Chairman position, Kevin and another guy going for V-Chair, and Brendan going for Monitor XD
Then was the Shaw Hall, how disabled people gained success and how other people gained success hahah
Then while I was sitting down, I REALLY CAN'T BELIEVE I'M WEARING LONG PANTS! It's SO COOL :)
Then, we saw Joseph and Ethan and talk about how much we changed, haix good times XD

Friday, January 1, 2010

Jan 1

Today went to Pray for Ah Gong again, then I have 2 new "sisters", Lisa and Carrissa. :P Baby-sit until very tired. :/ erm, then I also played more Toa Dai Ti with Uncle Tommy XD hahah

[1] Have more Control when dealing with temptation
Such as Facebook, Mousehunt, Sleeping, food and some other habits...

[2] Have a better Mind Set
To be a better person: a better gentleman, a better scholar, and a better sportsman :D

[3] Be more grateful for the places, people and things around me
Like hey, I'm born in SINGAPORE, and that's like effing lucky, still, it's just something we take for granted.
So yeah, for people, my family is weird, but great. :P

As for things, well, they come from my parents, so yeah :P