Blog Visits :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why must it end that way.

Well Swimming was great, I got Garvin (my Swimming coach) to sign the NYAA thingy XD Now feel sleepy zzzzz....
wonder if TA and Electone class would make me happy :p
Feel bored. MANY PEOPLE MSN OFFLINE zzzzz No one to talk to

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm a white mask! :D

Today I brought my (Very very old) Guitar to school. (Yeah I was a guitarist from Tue) Why? I want to ask Wen Liang to help me change string cuz 3 rusty, one broken :p
He don't want :(( I ask Brendan he also dunno. Last option was to go to Central Music Store to buy. Then after school, went to Ethan's house UT for the first time. Sad part? I kept kenna headshot. :p
Go central outside says
"Operating Hours
Look at watch: 12:05
When with Ethan go his house Ut!
But I don't really like UT. Surprisingly, I think that Maple a bit nicer. But I don't play anymore. IN the End, 4 plus then go buy Guitar Strings.
Went in there like, bought it, ask if they could help me put on the strings they say cannot :(((
Then I thought like if I WERE to change the string myself, I epic phail.
So... Ethan helped me Change string at the stairs near the escalators.
Changing string halfway, this old guy told us to move away from the stairs, to another place.
What's with old people and floors!? Not the 1st time an old guy ask me to not do something regarding the floor. But very pai seh lah ><

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Have a happy retirement Bother! :D

Today was Brother's Civil Jubilee! Almost the whole of the Secondary Section squeezed in with the Primary Section. Some were unlucky and had to sit in the Secondary School Section watching through a big screen. lol
2D was at the Primary Section Hall. XD The Band and C.O. was just as awesome! <3>
Happy Retirement Brother :)
Sad... 2 more days with 2D... :(

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today damn boring.
1ST TIME I went half-conscious in a talk.
Morning Talk.
More talk.
The talks after recess by people who IPW damn zai one :p Dead Leaves, "Prop-Poly" and er... Soap.
The talk on English Advert Project was still ok.
Berwin and Wen Zu did Parkour in the advert, about Insurance hahah! Since they send in an Advert with parkour elements, they got scolded by DK XD
But they got FIRST among all other classes! Best Advert! What are they trying to say? lol
Anyway, tomorrow Brother Anthony no longer be Principal next year. Taken over by an ex-Marist Mr Lim. Awww... :/

Monday, October 26, 2009


Today CIP! Yay!!! KFC!!!! We actually didn't do THAT much :x Zoo, I'm actually the media and photography team. So keep taking shots....
Slack all the way hahaha!
Blogger the Photo hard to upload leh,
Gtg! byes!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Get someone your OWN size. - (Dion or Nick 2, can't remember)

Today morning I surivived with a windows, rather than a mac. It's a MIRACLE. Argh. I'm so gonna kiss my charger when I get it back from School. Opps... Violin lesson on Monday. Need to cancell. First tell my Violin teacher can't go concert, now say Class can't go... Gulps.
Then I went BC... No Mousehunters there except me XP Reynold, Nick 1 not there. Surprising when there's no Nick 1, the class was like damn quiet.
Then we were going to a "meeting" on Animal abuse with Adam, Jeryl *Shiver*, grace, Trina *Shiver*, Kheng Ting and Angeline *shiver*.
I fail. Keep talking out of point. Can everyone kept laughing, so when Ms Kate ask for our points and ideas, we were stumped. Laugh through the whole thing :X
And fyi Dion/Nick 1 & 2 Trina is short (No offense)
HKHG normal Except Hong Ren took my pencil box and hid it inside the toliet. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sad sia. Feel like a failure. ><
No swimming tommorrow. Is it a "yay"? XP
gtg byes! :D

Friday, October 23, 2009

I wanna live a live from a NEW perpective.

Here a dam funny video from NigaHiga. I seriously laugh llike some crazy mad person.
Caution: Runs on Retard hUmor.

Some things in life are worth doing, so at least you can say "I've tried (my best)".

Today was Marist Youth Day. I got 100 cans (12 Coke, 12 Sprite, Remaining 100 plus) I my dad's boot, I took it to the classroom to ask Ming Yao, Joseph and Ethan to help. When it was brought to the classroom. We had almost everything
Then we had one copy of the 4 flyers on one A4, we ask HLB to help us print 40 and when it was done, Jo went back classroom to cut so,... 160 altogether.
I later found out Nick and Gerard Hacked my com. Commenting the "I love you" zzz... and spamming my status. Lame sia. =.-
After 8 plus, me, Ethan, Cedric, Rapheal and Jo went to Basketball court to set up the booth. We can miss the Costume Competition for setting up the booth. But don't want. Cause I dun wanna miss Ivan wearing tight Jersey, dam funny. he was suppose to be LeBron. or sth, XD I dunno how to spell XP But one of them I KNEW straight away was a winner. The person was in a ladies dress, topped up with poses. Whole school cheered. C'mon, a GIRL in a guys sch, thought not really a girl, but hilarious XD
We, set up the the booth. And sweat like alot. When the crowd is release. It's wasn't good. Business was mostly buy selling drinks. Games were... not as good, up picked up, until the drinks ran out :X hahha
I went to enjoy myself with the food (from 2G's selling methods) and GUIATR HERO hahah Cameron is awesome in Guitar Hero, he LITERALLY CAMP THERE, cause Winner go for another game, and he is PLAYING ALL EXPERT XD Marist Youth Day was awesome. The Class with the Guitar Hero Idea won. 2I hahha XD
I feel addicted to the piano somehow. XD <3 it

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ronza came! With Rock-out Cheese and Mice! SO HYPED! YAY!!!! I bought Magma Base (The most worth buying) and Horsey! I wanna buy the Hydro "Sotong" later and then The Speaker. I earning money from Derr Dunes... hahah XD
Enough of mousehunt.
Support B-Ball! Support 2D!!!! WOOTS! COME TO THE BASKET-BALL COURT!!!! 5 V 5 One Coupon one person and make a group of 5 for a team! Winning Team Gets Free Drink each!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


WOOOHOOOO!!!! RONZA's COMING TONIGHT!!! OHH YEAH! :D It's gonna be 2 weeks of awesome-ness! ^_^ Polar AND Party just became LE (Limited Edition) !!!! :D I feels so special!
HQ change Blog skin to black, color scheme not bad. hahahahha lols.
Speaking of blog skins.... A while ago, Someone went to pose me. Yes you Centment. -.-|||
Maybe gonna ask Jo to help me with Blogskin again :p
Anyways, Marist Youth Day is drawing near...
All Marists Reading this! PLAY BASKETBALL AT THE B-BALL COURT! :D YYAAAAY! 2D ftw <3
Wait so long Ronza land alr still can't go shopping XP
Argh When is the Airship gonna Land! A380 So much more faster lor! :/ SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME ><
kays gtg! Byes! :D

Monday, October 19, 2009


I had Violin at 10:00-11:00. It was alright. Except that it ended at 11:00. Why? I was with another girl for Theory, One teacher teach 2 at the same time. The same one that does theory together on Monday. I TOTALLY PWNED her Grade 5 Theory. >:D
But I heard she Uni already. No surprise. (She's quite short for a Uni student :X)
My mum (and my 2 bros) were complaining later hahaa. Then shop in Giordano for Jeans, cause 2 jeans one shirt free!
I took size 32 into the fitting room. But brought another size 30 to try my luck :/
First Jeans Chosen.
2nd one I took 29 and 30.
I could somehow fit in 29, though it's quite tight XP
Ok, gtg byes! :D

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hog IQ has Twitter. Tweet. Tweet. MEOW! XD

This title is another no-link title XD
Today no BC, don't need see the scary ponti again XD But cannot see Reynold, Nick I, Nick II, Dion and Choon Yong haha XD
Fu Jian Hui Kuan as usual though... Hong Ren not here. and i FINALLY gonna link Centment's blog. Nylon xiao one... -.-|||
Then after go my Grandpa's shop went to stock up 24 100 PLus, 12 Coke, 12 Sprite. Total $25 48 cans leh. lol
I wanna promote: Blk 265 Bukit Batok East Ave 4 #01-403! Many stuff at low price! haha XD
Then I went back download THROUGH THE FIRE AND THE FLAMES By DragonForce, hardest song on Guitar Hero and WENT HIGH! I cleaned my room 2 times... 30 Push-ups and 2 retarded dances hahah XD
Tried liao haha Signing off, people! :D

Friday, October 16, 2009


Baby with "evil look"
Baby who is asked about Monsters
Baby breakdancing prodigy
And a very touching Story from Facebook :D
hehe XD
byes! :D

21st Century 2nd Showcase! :D

Yesterday night I went the "b-dae" for the temple near my grandma house, the celebration was big, with few people from the Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council. Worse part was, most of them were old people :( BoChioBu. haha XD

Then today, also as "bittersweet" a tuesday. Too many good news and bad news.
First period, PE no games... :( Watch video about past Olympics. Quite boring, but didn't sleep... I should have...
Marist Youth Day (postponed one) coming! Our booth is something about Basketball! Yay! :D Planning to have 5 V 5 match. :D
And lots of drinks! ^_^
Home Econs Got 45/50 SOOO gonna pull up my average.
Chemistry... disappointing... 44.5/58... :(
Science only A2... :( :( :(
My CA2 will pull my chemistry up... Haix.. maybe Triple pure no Humanites...(S2.1)
Then after that Mr Chia came in ask the representatives for the 21st Century Classroom to go. He broke the dramatic effect. -.-
21st Century Classroom (Com Lab, which have Plasma TV) we had to do research again now on High-tech Farms. My group only Xin Kai T_T 2 people only... the rest 2 or 3... But XIN KAI LEH! T_T
I was nervous. As usual. Huge representatives. First Dr Ng MOE, now Principals from other schools. I did the presentation, and stumbled a lot on my words, but gave one of the best presentations. The only presentation that did not just read out.
Then there was a guy teacher sitting next to us observing. After I did the presentation, we commented on us saying that though the presentation was quite good, discussion is not very good, when I was working with Xin Kai, he said that discussion is the essential part where you learn. (Or something) But whatever it is, he's an AWESOME teacher! TOo bad he's not in MSHS :/

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

T_T My English WHY SO LOW! =(

My English Paper 1 Failed... :(
But my paper 2 pull me up. Just pass only... I dunno if it's the school's Language not good, or that the school standard too high. Imagine Best class NOONE got A for English. XP
Science (Phys), Math, Geog and Chinese were much better.
CHinese because we were AIDED by HLB.
All As... :)
I still feel emo... English gonna pull me down... :(

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today marking day No school! XD
I was laughing at this video
Damn funny leh! haha A bit vulgar though haha! XD
Tomorrow Doomsday because I'm getting my results back haha XD
lol... I feel like emoing XD haha haix.........

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"小猪过 bridge" ~JIa Hui

Swimming was not bad. Chun Yen's brother as sick as ever XD Li Wen (Dunno if name spell correct XP) have fever but still swim. Hmm... Maybe I should start putting Sunblock. 黑马王子变白马王子 ^^
Then lunch was at Ang Mo Kio where my mum brought to a coffee shop where come with her colleagues during lunch. Western, but the food was great. :)
Then I went to Electone class and ask my teacher.
Cause this part of my schedule on Sunday:
3:00 - 4:00 --> Electone
4:00 - 5:45 --> Drama Class (TA)
Then recently, my Piano Accompaniment for my Violin Grade 5 Exam 4:30, so become
4:00-4:30 --> Violin Accompaniment
4:30-5:45 --> Rush to Drama Class 1/2 an hour late XP
Then next year, I'm gonna Upgrade from TA to 银团<-(The more pro one XD) 2 - 4...
so.. clash with Electone.... I asked my Electone teacher whether can change, she gave me 2 options
1) Everyone whole class move to 12-1
2) Move ME only to 1-2 (But I don't like option, cause the class 3 months slower than me, AND all wide age gap, I'm too old XP)
So, I'm asking everyone (Consist of one Girl, 2 guys then me and Cheng Fu)
-Girl? Said maybe...
-Mark (as from a the name, A BOY) Didn't come. He P6 PSLE...
-Elfred (I forgot how to spell his name XP) ALso said maybe...
And some more my Electone teacher NEED TO ASK whether can switch to 12-1 time. XP
AS LONG I GO YIN TUAN! I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!! 福建会馆 FTW!!!! <3>
haha... 然后,after my Violin, I go 课室,half an hour late, XP One girl (That one Chinese DAMN Pro one) was crying. I was like WTF... the rest huddled together writing script on paper. He Lao Shi trying to comfort the girl. As you can see, I can't remember Names very well... can I?
lol... We write script, and talk talk chat chat... lol... Jia Hui was with us, Xtra from 银团 joining TA ^_^, so the classroom can be nosier... and cold(冷笑话). Cuz too quiet. She and some other old-clasmates one year 银团,next year chiong 金团 alr lah! So Zai! People like Yi Le, Yin Tuan this year 2nd year, havent go 金团。。 yet.
Chat, talk, and write until, the Girl stopped crying, wash face, happy back. (Hope the girl doesn't find this URL XP) Jia Hui, if you're reading this... DON'T sabo me... -.-
Then... He Lao Shi surprisingly Xtra Xtra funny today. ^_^ Me and QIn Kai FUNNY with him! haha! He 老师 askme type out the script also... zzzz XD BUt The Day was still awesome.
Came back home felt so hyped, I did Moonwalks... Danced like some crazy idiot (too much energy... The E.N.D. Energy Never Dies...) and did 25 Push ups then bathed.
I still feel awesome hahah! :D
OK, gtg study Home Econs (I need Home Econ pull overall percentage up to beat Ethan >:D)
Byes! :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

SHIVER in YELOW-NESS! (Coldplay songs) :)

Dunno why after keep hearing Monsoon, very sad... lol Feel like emoing. But Home Econs on Monday... I wished I studied more. Haix... Then I scared I study more over-stress myself like in SA1... Dunno if going through SA2 in a relax manner would help. :/
I got more awesome songs too! All english... Now I need Ashley (or anyone who listens to Chinese Music a lot) to update me with songs... XD

Friday, October 9, 2009

I <3 CheeseCake :)

Today I went to CaMoRon's house :)
We took bus to his house and I'm going 2nd time, with Ethan, Jarrett, Wei Jie and BOng (Oh, no more retarded 5 anymore, Dingy and Jo didn't go)
Me and Ethan save up some cash go buy A-Cash for Cam, give him next week, lol... maple lvl 50.
We played Guitar Hero, I was doing Vocals AGAIN!
*There are five modes
-Beginner (Cam says it's for Babies, never try before... yet)
-Easy (I pick this for Drums/Bass Guitar like a LOT)
-Expert (HARDEST, Cam keep playing this mode)
Then I tried Drums... Easy mode*... steady... But don't dare try Medium. And because Cam wanna play the hardest Song on Guitar Hero "THROUGH THE FLAMES AND FIRE" and WOW! Cam was play Expert and fail, lol XD
Ethan (Lead Guitar), Jarrett(Vocalist) and Cam(Drummer) all playing easy, I think... If I'm wrong, then Cam would be playing something harder.
Ethan was AWESOME
And well, we had lunch. Mash 'n' Meatballz. I couldn't eat beef, so no meatballs. But there was still mash PotatO and French FrieS :D And MeatBall sauce! The Meatball sauce (which had no beef) was awesome. I ate with Potato and fries.
And THIS TIME... I DIDN'T TAKE ALL THE FOOD... like last time lol...
and BOng didn't break another Bowl...
Or Cam's Guitar Hero Drum set XD
Then we tried other Songs like Monsoon, Are you gonna go my Way, Beat it (Then Ethan did moonwalk and crotch holder), Misery Business, What I've Done,...
And I changed to Guitar... Bass :)
We changed CD to another Guitar Hero (Smash Hits) and we changed to one singer...
if very Revealing clothes... :X a bit sick, then wei jie wa going like "oo... hot B***h" XD Then, once, we changed all Singers to The character.... lols... The Band Of Hot B****es XD
And did lotz of Star power! We ate CheeseCake with Passion! And did more GUITARZ! We tried Hard songs like Shiver from Coldplay... but failed XP
Then at 5:00, Ethan had to leave... But I wanted to Stay... so, BOng, and Jarrett left. Me and Cam and Wei JIe, did Strangehold and it was like DAMN LONG! So I had nice to adjust myself to the rhythm... haha XD
6:00 Go home... Haix... I <3>
I got Monsoon and Are You Gonna Go my Way in my iTUnes.
After I listened to MOnsoon... I emo alr haha XD I'm gonna put as Blog music >:D

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mac Saga III The return of the Mac!

Yesterday, I got the letter regarding next year's 福建会馆 班, I'm Upgrading TA, GOING 银团!!! Today I got my MAC BACK TOO!!!!!!
But I thought about 银团 , and it will clash with my Electone Class. TA is 4:00-6:45 My Electone Class (Not 1-on-1) is 3-4, 银团 is 2-4, so I have to which class. =( I'll miss my friends in Electone class now... But I'm going to a new Electone Class will meet people, and 银团 with NEW PEOPLE and OLD CLASSMATES! ALL NOISY PEOPLE! YAY!!!!! :D :D :D :D
My Uncle from Hong Kong flew back to see my Grandpa, he at Hospital... He there for around 10 days already, many operations... :/ Hopes he gets better.
Quote of the Day: Letting Go of the Past, Enlarges the Future. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mac Saga II

I left my mac yesterday. Today was lit test... Coraline, still ok, I HOPE I get A... :/
I went to Apple Service centre and ask the guy weather reformat was under-warranty.. :( $30 grew wings and flu away. He say reformat need 1/2 hour, so I go home first. Tomorrow I'm getting it BACK! YAY ME!!! *claps* :D @Jo: Propelling ftw <3

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hiax... Ever Since this morning, My Mac can't work.
Went Swimming.
Lost badly to CHun Yen and his Sister (as usual)
Kenna CRAMP. T_T
Went for lunch (it was awesome...)
HKHG wasn't screwed. At least one good thing.
But I'm writing this with a CRAPPY ACER WINDOW. T_T
I WANT MY MACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC! :( And now I accidentally erased all data from my iPod... All my songs were in my Mac. T_T I WaNT TO CRY!!!!
ASHLEY/Jo/(Anyone who uses Media Fire and knows me), if you're reading this, can u upload some (English CHinese)songs in a zip folder to Mediafire for me, thanks :D
haix... tomorrow have Chinese Paper 1... Screwed man, today. I'm gonna go Apple Sevice Center... Tomorrow... if it's NOT OPENED... I CRY!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


LOL, Dion tell me he met Angeline at Tanglin Mall 5 TIMES! hen you yuan fen! haha! XD
And I finally Got Centment's Blog URL... Ate Chewing Gum in Chinese Tuition (Teacher give one XD)
lol I'm listeninng to Canon in D (Piano) very nice. the Electric Guitar ver. also veri nice!
Went to my Grandpa's shophouse in Bukit Batok, 2nd Aunt gave us Snow-skin mooncakes!! YAY!
Haix.. so many things I didnt do... Another day slipped past me... :(

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I screwed up English COmpo. But Geog was alright

My Compo and COmpre yesterday was screw. Compo I scared I write out of point... :O
Today Geog was alright...
Haix.. I'm faced with YET another truth, would pretending make anything out of it?