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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Feel lonely, here's a poem...

here it goes...

When I feel sad,
I live in a big empty bungalow,
With no one to share with,
Empty and cold,
Along side is the river that runs
And Weeping willows as the wind blew,
And the sky darkens,

When I Feel lonely,
I live in a big mansion
Enormous, but voices echo in silence,
In the middle of the tall bamboo forests,
Where no one could see,
The bamboo, as stiff as can be…
But loneliness don’t come alone,
The patter of rain soon appear,
And block the sun completely…

When I feel calm,
I’m living in a small cottage by the sea,
The wind gently caress the chimes,
And the tinkling sound echo,
Everything else was quiet,
The sun gave a gentle light,
The river waters crystal clear,
The sea breeze blew,

When I feel happy,
I’m living in a semi-dettached,
By the forest, close to nature,
Gentle wind could be heard,
An atmosphere that lifted all spirits,
The sun shone with hope and promise,
Which lit the whole house.
A soft music flowed through the rooms,
New bursting life crept up to the sky!

When I feel loved,
The house could be anything, anywhere,
With Family, friends, and loved ones
Maybe the additional special someone
With the sun shining gently, warmingly and caringy,
A sudden spurt of motivate hope,
Rampaged through your body
And Cleared the mind, body and soul,
And with each heartbeat, a purpose,
And each breath, new hope.

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