Blog Visits :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bai Ka, right ankle sprained. in school morning assembly. :/ right after Mr Chong told me have canteen duty. =/ hehs.... no lah, not because Mr Chong say have Canteen Duty for CMC... but later for the rest of the day had to bai ka my way. THen later went to Serangoon Stadium for 2.4. With my left leg, I still could run quite fast, so I wanted to do 2.4, just for fun. Ethan said he help me with my ankle XD
Went there, he help me, still quite pain though, then I ask Mr Chong IN CASE fail, don't take timing as final timing, he say sprain leg cannot, ask me go home, I wait for Ethan, he got 10.18 with Moonwalking and Dancing... joker sia lol =P then to get bubble tea with Jarrett, Joe, Cedric, and Ethan :) Joe help me carry bag, while Ethan treat me bubble tea... have to thank my brothers, the rest help me too XD
Went home, grandma ask TCM man come, he did his stuff, then my leg SUPPOSED to be less pain, but still as pain. He thought if wasn;t better I needed to go hospital, then I thought of the ENg compo, Chinese Project, CHess Competition, Swimming, yintuan, Maths, CHem, Phys. emo a little, after a while it became better and I felt awesome...
after my dad fetch us home, did 10 commando (As I defined it) XD woots!
Now I hope I don't fail Chem :/
Byes! :D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Physics in Drama

We did like pairs, balancing and stuff, then laoshi realized not ready for pairs yet, so she did the push here push there thing, which basically requires lots of trust :P quite fun, but when with opposite sex, must me careful. hehs. Well, this only makes sense to people to played it before :)
Like He Laoshi said, no gender in the class, we're all the same.
of course, to each thing, there're two sides of the coin.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Drama Set~
Me, Jin Tuan Guy, Yi Le, Xin Yun

Forgot what the Long wooden stick is, used by Australi Natives... :/ and NICE :D

Today, started with SS extra lesson, went to school, then rush to Britsh Council, instead of the usual boring teacher (Last time Awesome teacher, change to sucky teacher D:) Duncan Rose (seinor Teacher) taught us Critical Thinking. HE
S AWESOME! never had a nice time in BC for a long time :)He had Same thinking, don't break the rules, bend it. XD

Then Go Chinese Tuition rush to Esplanade at 6:17 for Ben Ho PAPER MONKEY PRODUCTIONS. He wrote the script :) Damn cool~ I realize I was one hour early, saw that band, look for half an hour (<3>
Since it's so late, I won't reveal the story, who ask you didn't go? hahas XD the story made me cry several times. It's about how you LOVE an item and how much the memories it holds, BUT you treasure the item more than the giver. You won't know what you got till it's gone, so still, I don't completely hate Kevin :)
Went home with Yi Le, only other person who needed to go home. Both of us changed from P4... yeah wow... strange, in P4, didn't remember seeing her..... She said I was hackcare last time, now really change, I was like Wow! really? cool...
and... why does almost EVERYONE thinks I'm weird (or Unique *singgers*)?
off to bed, 11:55 =/

Friday, April 9, 2010


5 Stations I pass all~ XP well, 2.4 I die liao.. Today going for HOME BOXES SHOW :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

15 SECONDS 100m!!!

Went for 100m today :D Not qualified, but it's alright, for a overweight guy, not bad. There's was another guy, I wished I had gave him a standing ovation. Elton, this guy have abnormal legs, he walks with a limp, school councillor, and role model, he still went for the 100m run, though he ran all by himself. Really really awesome~
well, Ethan broke his record for 800 XD
Realized blogger still doesn't work/ =.= sigh...

Sunday, April 4, 2010


well, today raining then cancel swimming in the morning (I'm gonna get fat w/o Xersice! =O ) enjoyed cold Easter Day.. rushed to ELectone... early but blur blur one... then rush to 银团 late. DId lots of fluid sculpture (FS)... especially with stories :DD <3

It seems a lot of things changed since I last blogged. Haix... :/