Blog Visits :)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution
-Get Dragon Mouse
-Get all MH Traps+Base
-Beat Kaya in Toa Dai Ti
-Self-Control with Temptation
-Famous Last Words, Power Chords, by Chinese New Year
-Make House Clean
-Spell Resolution 100% correct without using spell check.
-Get CCA points
-Clean Room
-Good Score


I went to J8 with Kevin and Kaya (both start wif k lol random) to watch AVATAR! the Q was long, the movie was nice, a lot on how Man would destroy nature on a new planet, and well, me and Kaya laughed when the bad guys were ripped/shot/smashed gruesomely by some of the animals that exist that, including the tribe XD
and Kaya forgot my gift -.- lol
New Year's Eve very the lonely leh...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Today, we went for swimming lesson in the morning, which I felt very tired after 3 weeks of rest.
Then I went for my Grandfather's funeral to help out. The monks is coming on Tuesday... I'm folding Jin Zhi to burn to Ah Gong on Tuesday... haiz....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Meaningful. lol moonwalking bear...

Friday, December 25, 2009


In the morning, we went to Paya Labar for a CONVERSE SALE :DDD Bought a pair of nice shoes, awesome bag and 2 shirts :DDD
Had lunch on the way to Mandai, some roti prata
THen to Zoo.... (zzzz My mum lame sia, bring us to zoo how many time liao? Free also don't really need so many times :x) after was go home, then go rendezvous hotel for X'mas Buffet (with ah ma) eat until very the full... hard to walk ;x
OH no I'm gonna grow fat ><

Thursday, December 24, 2009



Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cameron's house!

I went to Toa Payoh MRT to meet ethan, then, we went to Cam's house for Band HEro with Wei JIe went for swimming, and felt super sleepy, that's why I can't write much ><

Monday, December 21, 2009

Angry Squirrels go for the Nuts

Today, went to 10-11 Violin, still ok >< Screwed up meditation de thais..
then met with Ethan to buy UNiform and long pants <-(long pants, can't see leg hair, and people can't pull them :DD)
Went City hall, Bras Basah Plaza... buy alr, come back to HDB hub, buy ethan's books, saw nicholas, went his house... pwn him in chess 2 times :DDDDDD (when I play serious) gave xmas present, and byebye... lol I found my phone and Dad fixed my Earphones :DDDD
tomorrow going cam's hosue XD

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Away from the Fire.

Prelude - 11th Dec
Writing on the tour bus on the first day of tour. Ytd, we went for Dinner @ T1, but couldn't find any restaurants other than Some Kopitiam and Jollibean... SO we ran on Peanut cakes and Kaya (butter) Toast. ANd Milo. Don't even have food court.... 12:00 (at night) Check-in time, and we slept until like 1:30, board the plane... Didn''t get the window seat.... Cheng Fu snatched it =.= Woke up at 3:30 for Breakfast, (mum let me have a slip of white WIne ^^) then sleep hahah
First Day in CHina 12th Dec
Woke up @ 6 on the plane landed in ChengDu International Airport, wore like 3 layers of clothes still cold, so topped off 2 more XD.
then we waited for the whole tour group, board the tour bu
s. First stop was some shopping alley, walked around and I bought some necklace encasing words on a gain of rice - "天天开 <3">
Then we went some "wang Hua Xi" 公园 many many old people :x

2nd Day in China Dec 13th
Came out last one to leave the hotel, went to Emei San then we saw ice, no snow XP very very cold Brr... went to Ski, but I epic fail :P hahhaa Dad was AWESOME, though he never see before, he could roughly know how to ski, even teach me and OTHER PEOPLE! HAHAHHAA XD
So, when having dinner, there's a girl and her family celebrating her B-dae with a really nice birthday cake, When her family sang B-dae song for her, we extra-ed and sang also HHAHAHAHAH XD
But then, she really give us some of the cake :DDDD hahahahah
Then when we went to the Emei San Resort, we went to enjoy the hot Springs, which is awesome :DDD

14th Dec 3rd Day in CHina, (I wanna cut short the blog a bit, otherwise like 10000 words :P)
We went to see the biggest statue of Buhhda, the sitting one and the sleeping one, Burst mode spam photos! haha
Went to Er Lang San, 4-5 hours, Trip was Long and shaky ><><>
After that, we went to watch a play by 康吧 people, the music was super loud, so I didn't really like it :P
15 Dec 4th Day
Set off from hai Luo Gou and saw some bridge, where the enemies took off all the planks from the bridge, so when soldiers wanted to escaped, some of them sacrificed themselves for the whole army
We went to a Scared Temple, then to Kang TIng, which is SUPER COLD ><>

Dec 16th Left from Kang TIng
Cuz, the hotel was under renovation, we couldn't have breakfast there, instead, the tour guide bought us some stuff, 牦牛奶,which tasted very strong XD Some other biscuits and stuff, then we went down Er Lang san, we saw snow, as in not just the ground, but falling from the sky, damn happy! XD Play until my Nose, ears, and fingers went numb from the cold. :P
Then head back to ChengDu, we went to a Silk Factory like JiangNan also, and we went for steamboat! :DDD
Oh, and after Ming Fu and Cheng Fu finished the steamboat, Ming Fu and Cheng Fu was so cute, the STAFF WAS PLAY WITH THEM, DAMN LOL, and MMing Fu got a free Ice-cream too. lol -.-

Dec 17th Left From The ChengDu hotel, the first hotel that we went to, and we discovered more food hiding in the buffet, hahah, after that, we went the PANDA RESEARCH PARK,
all the panda so cute XD then, we bought soft toys from a shop nearby, cheaper than the shop inside the centre ahaha
After that was the Jade Factory, Tea Factory and TCM. Tea Factory Mum bought something worth 3000 RMB T.T Heartpain, 2000 for Pu Er Tea, and many more, another one, Rose Tea, one packet 100 RMB, buy 10, get 10 free, so, 20 leh lol
But it's on offer cuz the Si Chuan have Earthquake last year, so they're trying to rebuild the school, best thing, OUR NAMES GET CARVED ON THE SCHOOL :DDDDDDDDDD
but after 3000RMB, we left like 200+RMB left T.T
TCM, all the stuff damn ex, so I faster come out, to the bus and play Tau Tai Ti (Cards game) with Adrian and Aloy and another person :x, the tourmates on the bus, all sec2 sec 3, while the salesman "attack" the others XD
Did a little shopping, found a nice pair of Sneakers, then went to Airport, then to SIngapore hahah XD
That's it, memorable, I think I changed? XD

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Midnight Flight to China @ 2 AM

LOL going China, erm, who wants SOUVEINORS?! XD Tag on the Cbox :DDD

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

did a little more thinking, well, that China trip will be the first time I see SNOW! (not from Snow City one) :DDD Gtg Sleep early :) Bye!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I met Marcus Douby Ghaut MRT station, first one there. Few minutes later Marcus came, and Raphael (Ng), then Marcus told me he could play drums and I was like SHOCK :O
We went to Parklane Mall and had lunch @ Mac when Aloy Took Taxi to Parklane to join us. He tells of how "funny" SAW (the movie) was to him. A bit sadist :x
We then went inside the Studio and so shock sia! it's like the one pros use, they have an Electric Lead Guitar, bass Guitar (4 strings), Keyboard and DRUM SET!!!!! With Amps and everything :DDD
Raphael took the drums, Marcus took the Guitar there and Aloy took his own guitar. Aloy's friend -Zhen Han, join us later, bringing his own guitar, We Jammed MCR Black Parade first, the piano start to Zhen Han, SInging me and Zhen Han, (cuz I dunno the chords to Black Parade), Lead to Aloy, Marcus Bass, Rap Drums, SUPER FUN! Then a bit of 21 Guns then CANON ROCK! Where they jam guitar, Rap still drums, and I did Keyboard XD SO DAMN NICE :DDDDD
In 2 Hours, it flew by us, so after that we went to Marcus' House (I still dunno what for) and heard his younger sister went to hang Aloy's shoe on the neighbour's door! hahha rofl XD
But then I realize I left the Electric Guitar Cable (the one connecting E-gui to Amp) in the Studio! XP So I took a taxi back to Parklane, took my Cable and took 139 to Toa Payoh XD

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Yesterday Jia Hui lost her voice, so Yi Le came in haha XD Damn enthu...
After the 3 performances, we partied with the 银团! There's was KFC, PIZZA, DRINKS! SO AWESOME, I met Zi Rong too, so many OLD CLASSMATES that i haven't met in YEARS :DDD
银团 is gonna be awesome... but it's never the same without Meredith, Ryan, Randall and Chuan Zi.... :( They go 金团 了
Oh and I'm going for my Last Violin class before the Violin Exam today ><>.<

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Quotes of the day
"Love is about what you yourself are, and no changing for others"

"When you fail your subjects, just think of Qi Qi."
*pick up exam paper* "Ahhh f*** arh" *sleep* ~ 七七

"Some things are not what other people teach you, it's what you discover."

"Some things are best not known, don't KAYPO."

I don't trust that feeling anymore. I'll just wait it through.

AHHHHHHH!!!! 5 Shows in one day. lol 9:30, Jun Wei was late and first show at 10 Plus, everything was damn lol and crazy! We were performing for little children, VERY CUTE XD hahah
And I found out Meredith has a secret blog. lol MCR-fanatic. (She's gonna kill me if she sees this. shhh) She locked it so it doesn't really matter.
^ (should I delete this?) ^
Oh! Oh! And my Electric Guitar came TODAY!! Going to open after 7th December.
everyone realized the joke behind Jia Jia Liang Teh -- Meredith (Jia Hui)

lol tomorrow another 3 Performances XP

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's gone's gone.

VIOLIN EXAM ON MONDAY T.T Few days left :/
Allemanda (2nd Movement) - Pretty Well
Wander- BEAUTIFUL <-(as said by my Piano Accompaniment teacher.)
Bouree - still needs practice.

-G Major 5/10
-G Minor 6/10
-A flat Major 8.5/10
-G# Minor 4.5/10
-B Major 7.5/10
-B minor 7/10
-E major 6.5/10
-E minor 6.5/10

Dominant 7
-Starting on A flat - 6.5/10
-Starting on G 7/10

Diminished 7
-Starting in D 7.5/10

Technique Exercise
-Double Stopping C Third 6.5/10
-Double Stopping D Sixth 7/10
-D Major on one string 5.5/10

I still feel I'm dead :/ I NEED PRACTICE!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009