Blog Visits :)

Monday, August 31, 2009


Teacher's Day was AWESOME!
In the morning, The celebration was quite nice!
It started with the Talentime... mostly. It had 5 judges, one of them is Cameron, 3 teachers, + another counsellor.
First was someone from 2G, and sang 简简单单, then I then round and saw a BANNER saying "No. 1 Joel" LOL DAMN FUNNY.
-No time to write blog-
OK, I skip the Performance, lol,
Hmm... after that me and Ethan went to General Office to look for Mr Lim, Mrs Chong and Mr Goy, we could find Mr Lim, Mrs Chong and Mr Goy not there...
Then I went to Primary school and saw my OLD FREWNS!!!!! 
Abdul, Zi Li were the first people to COme down! Shirin Appearred later
Well, Kai CHun didn't come, Zi QIng, and er... ... Michael. So sad. XP
Well I had prepare chocolates for Mr Sim, Mrs Goh and Lee 老師,Lee 老師 gave back a chocolate from her own lol
Then I forgot about my Violin Class, and choing there, and heng wasn't late. I gave him a teacher's day gift anyway! :D

Later than evening, my family and I went to watch "WHERE GOT GHOST" By Jack Neo and it was AWESOME! They even had a touching "sequel" for Money No Enough 2 XD

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life is never the same with that different light...

No swimming because raining heavily, I swan anyways, quite cold, but fun XD
Then HKHG speech and drama we coming up with a play (for kids) =.= lol, 金斧頭和银斧头 + 三只小猪 + 3 Billy goats.
Then my family go SIngapore EXPO for the NATAS Travel Fair, we decided on CHina again.
But it will be never the same... without that old streetlight...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

CHESS COMPETITION 1 man show to 2 man show to 3 man show

Today, I met Wen XUan, Poh Ann and others at the MRT, almost everyone in the Upper Sec team was there. I was the only lower sec T__T
I thought I was dead and going for a one-man show...
I went to the venue of the Competition, RuLang Primary and saw Eugene (Tan, Not Chong, not Tay, bleh, too many eugenes I know) And I felt relieve.
2-man-show for Lower Sec
Oh right, forget to tell you,
The competition is a TEAM thing, FOUR PEOPLE, lower sec and TWO! PAUL, BERWIN AND LIONEL MIA!!!!! >:(
So, first match we VS ACS(I) and lost... badly. Plus somemore, since our team only 2 people VS 4 people, 2 of ACSI Walkover... T_T
So, I called Sean to call Berwin to come, I couldn't reach Paul and Lionel, then 2nd ROund we VS Methodist Girls' School, so, we were ABOUT TO CHECKMATE, then look at the time? OPPS! You lost because of time limit!!!! WE WERE SO HAPPY!!!
3rd Match, we VS NUS HIGH T___T My last competition I lost to NUS, badly. THis time too....
Then Lunch went to Mac with Wen Xuan, Fu Ming, Eugene and his mum. Berwin was coming
4th Match, Nanyang Girls (Your School, HQ) I was like.... thinking OH SHIT!!!! WE DIE, end up, before 15 min, I turn to Eugene table SAW A WHITE QUEEN! I WAS LIKE OH MY GOSH! SO FAST CAPTURE QUEEN!
I Toy with my opponent a bit longer though... <--(Lol, I liked the vocab I used) So it was 2-2
Later, we check he scores, WE DIDN'T GAIN ANY POINTS?! We asked the person-in-charge (PIC) a Ang Mor Lang and he said because of SITTING ARRANGEMENT!!!!! T_____T
I made friends with my opponent anyways, her name was Joey, I add her Facebook already. (SOCIAL NETWORKING PAYS OFF)
5th Match Berwin came, so 3-man show We VS Dunman High And lost... Eugene gain one point though... I DIDN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! I VS MY OPPONENT AND CHECKMATE MYSELF, WORE OF ALL HER TIME WAS ALMOST UP!!!!! WHY!!??!?!?!?!?!!
But Came 6th Match against SCGS and chatted about losing and stuff, then endgame that time, she gave FREE QUEEN, I WAS GONNA TAKE IT, BUT MY TIME UP!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!
But never mind lah,
That opponent gonna add me on Facebook. And anyway YiLi (Hokkien Hui Guan, TA Tuition Classmate from SCGS) was right. Students there suck at Chinese. lol XD
It was fun anyways, at least I didn't kenna scolding from Michael Siong <-(My Coach, old man, one eye blind, walking stick, poor guy) ... hehe XD

Friday, August 28, 2009

Objective of the camp: Class Spirit, Physical Ability and Impressing Hot Bikini Babes :)

Day 1
We got a briefing from Mr Nick Koh and set off on a bus to KallanG for Kayaking! SO EXCITING! But when we got there, Mr Omar Cheng <--(I bother to put "Mr." coz if he sees, I don't die XP) made us sit and stand and sit and stand... etc. tiring, but actually fun. I felt better after that :)
Then we went to the shore and We were taught by Mr Jeremy Wong mostly impressing bikini babes lol . SOmething about PFDs <-(Don't worry, I won't spell full) to impress the babes rather than use the term "life vest" lol XD
The student leaders helping the teachers went on the Kayak and paddle around in the RIver while Mr Wong taught because he want them to demonstrate stuff. Then he "sabo" some of them and ask them to do capsize drill XD
-The student leader capsize,
-The comes up and turn over his Kayak,
-he put his Kayak on another Kayak
-Then when he tried to put one leg over the kayak to get on the Kayak,
Mr Wong said "He's ... having sex with the boat."
LOL XD Jo was right. He was a bit ho*ny XD
After that, we tested the PFDs ans swam in the river.
And we had lunch while being wet lol so shuang!
I bet you don't have this in girls school *AHEMhaoqing, any comments?AHEM*
Then we went to Kayak.
I WAS the Power house, me and Jo dam fast lor lol
When we brought the Kayak back, my ring finger bled, lol, I didnt really think it was pain XD
Ok, before sleep at night, dam boring, we played Turth and Dare to pass the time.
Later, we heard Ghost Stories about MSHS like The Blue Lady, and The Coffin at the place where the scouts put their stuff.
We were tempted to go out at night to go night walk, but didn't, Nick and Aloy went one round lol, Ethan sleeping posture dam funny, MJ Crotch-grabber lol

Day 2
We went rock-climbing, so I tried the easier one (which is the right) and I tried VERY hard to climb up to the top! AND I WAS OS EXCITED!!!! :D I WAS SO HAPPY. (And for this, I would like to thank ALL my classmates for the Encouragement and support and lol hints) And when I got down I was so happy, put my hands in the air then my track pants got stuck on one of the rocks!
LOLOLOLOL I was like dam shock and shout : WHAT THE FISH?! lol, The short female PE Teacher (Can't remember name XD) take picture of me XD
Then I went to do Abseiling and i was frightened at first coz you had to lean down XP Dam scary, it went alright except for a rope burn XP
After that lunch.... Then we go Pulau Ubin!!!!
(Continue on next blog post because of length, you can take a break XD)
We took a bus to the jetty to Pulau Ubin, and got to be with our Disciplinary Master in charge and SO HAPPY! Mr Koh DAM FUNNY!!! When we were boarding the boat, DK accidentally came in contact with Xin Kai, then Xin Kai CALL HIM A PERVERT, Mr Koh can't XIN KAI a pervert, From then on, Xin Kai became known as "Big Pervert" XD
When we alighted at Pulau Ubin, we rain VERY heavy, after a while we waited at the info counter, talk about DM/DK's (Dennis Koh, my DM, called DK for GENERATIONS) Niece And more truth and Dare,
Mr Koh also said he can let anyone meet his niece, except the pervert lol XD XD Hs jokes always PWNS! :D
When It stopped raining, we took a VAN instead of walking there! (Other class had to walk XD)
At our destination, we walked to this tower where we could see Palau Ubin, dam nice view when we were on top. We climbed down and walked a lap around that area and saw the mangrove swamps and some fish (lol, Daniel the Xpert) while DK told the few of us with him about NS, choosing careers etc.
I dare say he's better than Mr Kwok, his life lessons are great :)
After that we went back to school but that night, people were on patrol so no night walk, went Ethan and Dingy went running anyway! lol,
I talked to Cam for that night with Ding and Ethan playing that one-word game... then sleep.

Day 3
After Morning assembly breakfast and stuff, we went straight to the bus to walk the Southern Ridges starting on a visit of Bukit Chengdu, he learnt some stuff (and I didn't say I remembered it XD) then to Alexandra Arch passing by Hortpark (which I Been before and LOVED IT A LOT) then to the Henderson Waves,which was very spectacular, beautiful and breezy, then we walk to an end-point: VIVO-CITY
And yes girls, you can cream, it's vivo. -_-
We didn't go Vivo for Lunch by a Hawker Centre nearby.
And well, we went back to school, and I read Cam's PAPER BLOG. then watched a video containing ALL photos taking by the teachers during the camp, lol, they showed me getting stuck on the rock wall XD XD

-The End- lol can write compo, maybe can pass XD
Btw, my CA compo 18/30... sad... :(
Tomorrow have Chess competition, wish me luck

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm going for Camp TOMORROW! :D

I WOULD BE DORAEMON 兒子 for a 2nd time! :D
First time was the trip china (with Vince, HQ, Soh TIn, Soh Lian, Karine etc.) ^_^
-Flash back-
Soh Tin : Eh, you got comb anot?
*brought out a comb*
-Another Flashback-
Soh Lian: Eh, you have spectacle cloth?
-OKOK, LAST flashback-
Soh TIn sat on orange. Orange biscuit lol

ok, next camp, I hope I don't sleep next to any horny people lol XD
Btw people, Sean Heng is no longer horny. (Except for his MJ Dance moves XD)

Epic Fail...

Today, My Physics A1!!!!! 11.5/15! SAME AS APOLLOS! :) By the way, Apollos is losing out in results.
BUT MY CHEM 27/28!!!!!! HIGHEST IN CLASS, SAME WITH HAN LAO BEI's "DARLING" (Sorry, I love to use "HLB's Darlin', XD)
BUt Chinese 48/80...
Hao Qing, you set-up tuition? LOL XD

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Today have CHinese CA, I died. TOmorrow have math. I die twice. Sec 2 Camp wed-fri. I die 3 times...

TOday CHinese Compre so easy,

WHat other word can possibly describe my situation other than "die",
or yeah, there's one.
PM 2:55 Going to Violin Class... Haix... I fear for my Grade 5... I hope I don't GG... emoing......
@ hao Qing, totally not me. Mine now is panda w/o caps...

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I <3 that song!
I'm going swimming soon. :)
TOo bad now no time to play table soccer with Chun yen...
PM 1:39
Swimming was great, but Chinese have so much to learn... :(

22nd August, T___T CTs....

Red man is always taking people's stuff. he took Dotz's pencil and pen, and my iPod, (I took back my iPod XD) and ALWAYS teasing each other (Dotz and red man, Not me.) while lesson goes on.
Did I just see sparks fly (Between Red man and....?
OMG XD haha
ok lah, jkjk no offense
Science and CHinese CT on Monday... T___T
Enjoy the "wash your hands" by mistabrown! :)

OK PM 9:28, feelin' a bit emo. maybe it's the exams...
but well, I have another crappy quote
"What is noticed, will probably fade away sooner or later; what lies unnoticed, could make a great difference to your life."

Here's another poem (man, I keep writing this whenever I emo...)

Love can be a feeling,
To a point it overflows and so does your tears
Love can be an action, to help someone at need,
Like to get over their fears,
Love can be a mask,
A beating, a scolding, but with Moral, behind
Love can be a reminder,
Simply to keep you in line.
Love is like a whole family,
But it usually starts with two... <3
I feel better.
Comment on it and tell me what you think! Thanks :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mrs Koh! Mr Cold! Mr Koh!

PM 5:56
Wen Xuan back, I ask him about MS's training clashing with the Sec 2 camp, cause I have a competition n 29th August, one day after my Sec 2 Camp... Haix...
PM 10:26... Staying up I guess I have to stay up. The video posted by jacq was AWESOME.
PM 10:33
I will take through her life,
with patience, with no fear,
the waves that try to crush the cliffs,
their efforts not even near...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I went back home, taking 28, but because my Mum take leave today, so I was suppose to go home in UPPER SERANGOON, instead of my Ah Ma House at Block 1 Bus Stop in Toa Payoh...
When I miss the stop, I was like "SHIT!"
I quickly pressed the bell to try and alight on the next bus stop, but then I end up still talking with Jo and when missed again, I was like :"OH CRAP!!!! ARGH! I've been DOING THIS FOR 1 and a HALF YEARS,"
Like yeah, I mean, I've always went to Toa payoh...
In the end, 算了,I decide to take to Toa Payoh THEN TAKE ANOTHER 28 Back to Serangoon.
And yes people,

But Geog test tomorrow...
I like my new template :)

The Mr Koh was the not the Mr Koh we EXCEPTED!

Well, the "scolding" was more relax than I expected, in fact, there wasn't any scolding at all!
Don't worry people, m blog is undergoing the process of blogskin... I'm gonna personalize it.. soon... I hope...
PM 4:09 I've been wasting too much time on Blog skin, 算了, forget it, stick with simple :)

PM 10:02 Emoing again lah... haix... life is demoralizing... sometimes... Why? This society is too competitive...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lit Lesson/ WW III

Whooped by lit, too long... even the teacher says that 2 periods for Lit is quite unbearable.
Finally, Joseph is gonna put a blogskin,
but the class have to face adversity,
Dk... is... coming... *jingling of bells* cause of World War 3, rubber-band bullets and stuff... T_T
I wasn't involved... lol, I guai Kia :)

Today, I felt the worse, and the best, well, at least some of it ...

I took my CA2... Compo...
Spells doom...
Smells death...

And some more there's a surprise... Malay Test...
I'm going to die

But I'm at Ivan's house to do Geography, after the game of soccer, I felt better...

PM 9:31 Trying to do my Geography Assessment, I'm demoralized further...
I'm scared what I have been fighting and believing for 8 months is for nothing...
Emo-ing to Classical Music...
Damn nice...

But then... My System Preferences lag...
Went I want to bring to Apple Service Centre, it works,
When I'm at home, it piss me off by lagging...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ignorance is Bliss (Copied from Jacq)

Ignorance is bliss? depends. As of now, what's happening ain't good... Sad life... Tomorrow have CA Compo...
I GG liao............. GG-fied...
Wish myself luck...
Good luck to all people taking Exams :D
(-_- Unlike ppl who have FINISH THEIR EXAMS... Sad sia... watch in envy... XP dun worry! Gonna be over....... soon....)

P.S. Dammit, I am using too much dotz
I am going to burn joss stick (Not midnight oil) tonight. XP

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I'm dead. That person's freaking out for sure.

My friend "Camera" has his, I do too.
That "person" don't refer to Cam.
Either way I'm dead

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Gonna die, can't Facebook/Mousehunt in school already.
Good lah, at least can study lah.
By the way, I made this blog private so bleedy spammers don't spam Cbox XD XD XD

(To Dotz) Does Red Man have blog?

(To Haha Queen) Invited you liao :D

Friday, August 14, 2009

Strangely, she's sad today.

She's sad...
And boy, emo-ness can spread faster than hot-cakes and H1N1 put together.
Haix...I read Chicken Soup for Teens, under Relationships I also emo alr... lol
Life's complicated.
Love's a LOT weirder...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Temptation is taking over me! HELP!!!!

I must resist playing games... Not to procrastinate is hard...
My HahaQueen :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Crush's reply

Well, She did say "thanks"
My friend "analyzed" it, and though she was nice to me as a good friend,
thus concluded that she was not ready to sacrifice the friendship for a relationship,
so I should waiting
But for how long?


Ok let's be practical, NO ONE can wait forever for one person. One must move on, but when?

Alas, life is difficult...

Monday, August 10, 2009

I sent my confession to my crush... XD

I sent an SMS to my crush saying I like her last night, I'm checking my handphone after school.
I hope it's not a rejection...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


WOOTS! I Love Singapore and I'm PROUD to be SINGAPOREAN!!! :D :D :D WOOTS!!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm a good friend. Is that always good? No... :(

One may think that when you are everyone's good friend, then your life is good- NO.

My classmate who just broke up by fight with her crush damn emo... I had to console her.
She said that I was a good friend, which reminds me this:
My schoolmate, help me "Test Water" on my crush(Another person), he reported that she said "He's a good friend" To the question "What do you think of Hong Fu?".
It's sad...
I did cry, quite alot. The crying stopped after a night of sleep.
Haix... Love is just too complicated...